This is one AS-like thing I have. My uncle even told my therapist I don't care about anything unless it involves a bird.
As a kid, I was very talkative about science, but then I shut up when I learned it was making people not like me. But for one period of time, before I knew about AS, I decided to be myself and tell everyone what I liked.... well that didn't go over well, in high school I was the Pokemon/bird freak and in college the Sonic/bird freak.
Nowadays, I only mention birds or Sonic when the subject comes up. But when it does, I go overboard. Like if someone asks what I like to do and I say birds, sometimes they start asking questions and well.... rarely someone will mention Sonic, then I go nuts.
The lady though that works with aspie kids knows about my bird and Sonic stuff but still doesn't think I'm aspie because of not that bad social skills (I had bad ones in the past). I wonder what the special interests are about then.
Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon
Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...
FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020