Homelessness, moving and general crap feelings

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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17 Jan 2011, 11:14 pm

So, I haven't been around the forums in, well...at least a year...But I'm sitting here in one of the worst moods I've been in in a while and decided that I needed to hear from like-minded people to at least attempt to feel better. Or at least just bemoan my situation. So, for a little background - I lived in Memphis for most of my life until my mother died. Then, I used the insurance money to live on my own for a while. Once it was drying up, I had a friend move in. At least, I thought we were friends. A few months later, he sends me a Facebook message informing me of his intent to move out....the following day. After quite a bit of despair, I packed up and moved to Connecticut with my father. And that's where I'm at now.

But, see, my father's been laid off and has been out of work since pretty much the time I got here. And now, we have to leave this house by the end of February. I have to get rid of my cats, no matter where I wind up, and that crushes me. Beyond that, I don't even know where I'm going to end up. No one else in my family has the space for me to move in. I had plans to move to California with a friend, but she's dragging her feet and now she may be going to Korea instead for a while. I wanted to move near this guy that I like, but he's not sure where he'll be while earning his PhD and I need answers, like, now.

I explained my thought process of moving closer to said friend because it's cheaper and I don't make very much money, but she proceeded to make me feel bad (not intentionally, though) about the fact that I'd be running through my savings and I could get stuck there and hate it, etc. I just really don't know what to do, and I really want to just curl up, cry, and sleep for, oh, several years straight. I don't know what to do but I have to come up with something fast. I feel really alone and isolated, and I hate that. I know it's no one's responsibility to take care of me, but it's just so incredibly hard to make it on my own. And my aunts don't know about my Asperger's, and I feel like explaining might seem like whining. My father, however, is well aware and doesn't actually care where I end up. So lovely.

TL;DR - I needed a moment to vent about my future, if I even have a future. If anyone's got any advice or...a couch or something, haha. Anything's appreciated. Thanks for listening (well, reading), guys.

Life to me is just a game that we all play
I wash away the sands of time, wash them away
You are just a fleeting dream created by me
That goes on and on; as it's been, so it shall be


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18 Jan 2011, 3:01 am

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I wouldn't be so quick to think you have to get rid of your cats. Perhaps you can rent a room somewhere? I know that's not an ideal situation for someone with AS, as it can be very stressful moving into a house with a stranger, but you already made one big move and you survived, and once you get over the initial stress and trauma of it all, it might work out nicely.


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18 Jan 2011, 4:02 am

You can stay at my place but I'm a bit far away. When I had no where to live I moved into a cheap converted barn that was behind a mansion. Lived there neary 3 years but got sick from the mould cos the roof leaked, but it gave me enough time to get on my feet.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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18 Jan 2011, 10:34 am

Well, if I were to keep the cats, everything around this area would be well out of my price range. And I can't afford to pick up and move with them again. So I've already come to terms with the fact that I won't have them much longer. I've been trying for a few weeks to just distance myself from them so that it'll hurt a bit less. I'm definitely going to have to get a room with someone, I just don't know where. Or, well, who. I just feel like I shouldn't even be here. I'm not productive enough to matter.

Life to me is just a game that we all play
I wash away the sands of time, wash them away
You are just a fleeting dream created by me
That goes on and on; as it's been, so it shall be


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20 Jan 2011, 7:32 am

raspberryswirl wrote:
Well, if I were to keep the cats, everything around this area would be well out of my price range. And I can't afford to pick up and move with them again. So I've already come to terms with the fact that I won't have them much longer. I've been trying for a few weeks to just distance myself from them so that it'll hurt a bit less. I'm definitely going to have to get a room with someone, I just don't know where. Or, well, who. I just feel like I shouldn't even be here. I'm not productive enough to matter.

Nonsense. Don't ever feel like you shouldn't be here. You have every right to be here. If you feel like you are unproductive then you can fix that by figuring how you can help out. Tell us more about yourself. What are your interests?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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20 Jan 2011, 9:54 am

Well, I had a talk with my best friend so I'm feeling worlds better. I'm going to get a roommate in Ohio for a while, while she continues to look for jobs in California. I think it's just so easy for me to get down because I take people's criticisms of me and their negativity really personally. My family makes me feel like my job doesn't matter. I write freelance, and I really enjoy it because I can do it from anywhere and I've been a writer since I was 10. But since I don't really get tons of money and I work from home, I guess it "doesn't count" as a real job to them. Feh. I'm going to just do what I feel is best and not let anyone make me feel like what I'm doing is the wrong/stupid thing to do. I dunno if it's just me that can feel like that or if a lot of other aspies react the same, but it's an awful feeling.

Life to me is just a game that we all play
I wash away the sands of time, wash them away
You are just a fleeting dream created by me
That goes on and on; as it's been, so it shall be