My life has gotten waay better. My mother and I are on friendly terms, I MAY get back into therapy, I passed all my exams and didn't have to take 2 of them because of my high grades, I'm in honors classes, my step dad actually said he was proud of me, and I somehow became very popular in my new guild on WoW. So what's depressing me? I MAY HAVE talked a guy out of suicide. No reason to be depressed there. So why am I?
We met completely by chance online on some website. I was honestly just there to troll because I have nothing better to do at 12 AM. But before I could type whatever it was I was gonna type, he tells me he is about to kill himself. For all I know, this guy was lying about being suicidal, but I decided not to take the chance and I tried to talk him out of it. Two hours later, he says I gave him something to think about and that he wouldn't kill himself just then. I gave him my crap email address in case he needed to talk again, and he hasn't tried to communicate with me since so I assume/hope he is okey. Nor has he spammed me or delievered any viruses.
Whenever I slow down, I start thinking about that guy again. What if he really had been holding a gun to his head? What if I hadn't been there; would anyone else have tried to help him? What if he was just lying and I'm worrying over nothing? Afterall, who goes telling strangers that he's gonna kill himself (he said that he had more of a chance with a stranger than with the people he knew, but whatever). Assuming he was telling the truth, why does it bother me? Shouldn't I be happy he isn't going to be a statistic?
Sorry for the rant; I've lost sleep over this.
I'm not mad, just terribly hurt.