I've pretty much had enough, aye. I'm sick of not being able to talk to people I don't know and fell insecure around normally. Especially males, I just cann't talk to them.
No-one ever says hi to me, either because they're scared of me of don't like me, because of the fact I don't know what to say around people so often I just don't. I can't change myself. I'm never, ever going to change. I'ts always been like this and will be forever more. I don't want to be like this. I want to be able to talk to people I like. I don't want to come across as rude. But I just CAN'T talk to people.
I've been in a sunken depression for months on end now, and it's not getting any better no matter how hard I try. My heart is hurting, it's all smushed up.
I don't know whether suicide is an option yet, but i'm not ruling it out, I hate myself, and everything about me. I don't know how easy it is to accuire a gun. Other methods are just too long winded or painful, i've had my fair share of pain. I'm not here because I want attention or people to beg me not to do it, I'm here because I need to talk about it.