Why are non autistic people so cruel to us?

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07 Feb 2011, 12:46 pm

I wonder why non autistic people are so cruel to us on the spectrum. Maybe they think we are dumb, which I know we aren't


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07 Feb 2011, 12:50 pm

I think it is common among all human beings to tend to be afraid of others they/we do not understand, and I think it can also be typical of at least some of us who do not understand that about others to then wrongly accuse them of actually being cruel. For, you see, emotions seldom point toward actual facts and truths.

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07 Feb 2011, 1:22 pm

Not all of them are. There are nice non spectrum people too but you just have to look around. The negative always stands out more so it's going to seem like all none spectrum people are.

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07 Feb 2011, 1:26 pm

They're clearly jealous of our obscene levels of awesome which they could never possess ;)


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07 Feb 2011, 2:04 pm

*sigh~ please don't generalise all NT's.
My 2 favourite people are NT. And not cruel to anyone.

All types of people are cruel.


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07 Feb 2011, 2:23 pm

Asp-Z wrote:
They're clearly jealous of our obscene levels of awesome which they could never possess ;)

That could be true.


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07 Feb 2011, 2:51 pm

There are just as many autistic jerks as non autistic ones tbh.


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07 Feb 2011, 4:30 pm

Asp-Z wrote:
They're clearly jealous of our obscene levels of awesome which they could never possess ;)



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08 Feb 2011, 1:21 am

"People fear what they don't understand and hate what they can't conquer."
Andrew Smith

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08 Feb 2011, 11:16 am

hale_bopp wrote:
There are just as many autistic jerks as non autistic ones tbh.
True. We're less than 1% so if it's rare enough to come across an aspie it would be even rarer to come across an aspie who also happens to be an as*hole.

And no they're not jealous of us. I dunno where the hell that comes from, but they're clearly contemptuous of us since we're socially awkward. They measure people's worth by their social skills so it's contempt plain and simple.


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10 Feb 2011, 11:42 am

I constantly feel like a baby gazelle especially at work. I know I'm slow and possibly stupid due to not only the aspergers but learning disability as well. I was always behind in school maturity wise and everything. It had to be a miracle to get a high school degree and a Bachelors degree. At work there is no one that shows signs of autism, or maybe they do I don't know. But I constantly have to run away from the predators:lion and cheetahs. No matter how fast I run to get away, they will always catch me and I will be gone. Has anyone else felt like this??


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10 Feb 2011, 3:37 pm

AceOfSpades wrote:
And no they're not jealous of us. I dunno where the hell that comes from, but they're clearly contemptuous of us since we're socially awkward. They measure people's worth by their social skills so it's contempt plain and simple.

I can answer this but its quite ugly. Its an artifact of the evolutionary process and our frailties. We have an inherent conflict between these magical machines of logic we prefer to see ourselves as (in general - AS and NT) and the lymbic systems, lymbic nature, and animal instincts we have. Animal instincts are, if you watch a nature show - quite eugenic and quite ruthless to that extent. As we are animals ourselves, pettiness toward and even hatred of what is different comes naturally to us. It's what evolutionarily worked in the past and our by birth programming seems to seed it in nearly everyone. Some people battle it, some do better than others, and yes - there are plenty of people who live by it and very successfuly simply because, like anything else, its completely in conformity with one of those subconscious narratives that our society is filled with but never dares speak about because it goes completely against what most of us believe that we stand for.


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10 Feb 2011, 4:32 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
AceOfSpades wrote:
And no they're not jealous of us. I dunno where the hell that comes from, but they're clearly contemptuous of us since we're socially awkward. They measure people's worth by their social skills so it's contempt plain and simple.

I can answer this but its quite ugly. Its an artifact of the evolutionary process and our frailties. We have an inherent conflict between these magical machines of logic we prefer to see ourselves as (in general - AS and NT) and the lymbic systems, lymbic nature, and animal instincts we have. Animal instincts are, if you watch a nature show - quite eugenic and quite ruthless to that extent. As we are animals ourselves, pettiness toward and even hatred of what is different comes naturally to us. It's what evolutionarily worked in the past and our by birth programming seems to seed it in nearly everyone. Some people battle it, some do better than others, and yes - there are plenty of people who live by it and very successfuly simply because, like anything else, its completely in conformity with one of those subconscious narratives that our society is filled with but never dares speak about because it goes completely against what most of us believe that we stand for.
Yeah I know what you mean. Social dynamics are mostly rooted in the part of our brains that resemble that of a lizard and a monkey, so I hate when people act like social dynamics are supposedly civilized when it is actually the most primal thing about us. We can't depend on society to protect us, so the best we can do is stand on our own two feet and provide for ourselves.


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10 Feb 2011, 4:37 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
I can answer this but its quite ugly. we have an inherent conflict between these magical machines of logic we prefer to see ourselves as (in general - AS and NT) and the lymbic systems, lymbic nature, and animal instincts we have. Animal instincts are, if you watch a nature show - quite eugenic and quite ruthless to that extent. As we are animals ourselves, pettiness toward and even hatred of what is different comes naturally to us. . Some people battle it, some do better than others, and yes - there are plenty of people who live by it and very successfuly simply because, like anything else, its completely in conformity with one of those subconscious narratives that our society is filled with but never dares speak about because it goes completely against what most of us believe that we stand for.

The beautiful people syndrome.
It's ugly. It's true. It's anthropological. The 'mean' of the population sets the tone with all the able drones. The less multicultural the more the problems here. You find more one dimensional thinking in these static areas. If you miss cues you are "out"- morally worthtless. "We need to fix you up by a haircut or look how nice so and so over there is dressed." 'You didnt stand close enough to your razor." I've heard these before as applied to others and I'd hate to hear what they told others about me.

Look what happened in World War II Germany. Hard to believe.

but never dares speak about because it goes completely against what most of us believe that we stand for

Some I'd say. This thinking works for the majority.


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10 Feb 2011, 5:57 pm

AceOfSpades wrote:
Yeah I know what you mean. Social dynamics are mostly rooted in the part of our brains that resemble that of a lizard and a monkey, so I hate when people act like social dynamics are supposedly civilized when it is actually the most primal thing about us. We can't depend on society to protect us, so the best we can do is stand on our own two feet and provide for ourselves.

What bothers me the most though, of everything, is when people - particularly of the supposedly 'enlightened' and less theistic political persuasion, embrace evolution but, even more than never drawing no actual connection in their minds to what this actually means about humanity, they're more interested in beating their faces into reality until agenda trumps it and people are two afraid to discuss what's really happening (ie. like Harvard professors being fired for stating what's scientific knowledge - men and women *are* different, people having crackpot notions of what makes human behavior tick or what causes 'evil', and yes - people who both believe that human behavior and ideology is almost wholly malleable simply by changing the textbooks or what people think the 'truth' is). If anyone needs any proof, whatsoever, that pretending this dynamic in human nature doesn't exist solves NO problems whatsoever, all they need to do is look at religious fundamentalists and realize that disqualifying animal moorings as even partially real means that your animal side goes unchecked. A society that actually understands this in an accepted matter and *gets* it can move forward and work directly against those impulses or deliberately try to find ways to sublime these impulses, help curb crime, help curb bullying, etc. etc.. Denying it exists means keeping the world in the dark ages, just that rather than being in the dark ages under theocracy we're in the dark ages under some odd form of secular self-delusion.

Lol, sorry if I have a strong opinion on this topic, I just can't think of any instance where withheld knowledge of self has made the world a better place and so many problems I see all the time - particularly very salient ones for the autistic spectrum community - all seem to come back to this need for blissful ignorance to the realities of the human condition that so many people have.


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10 Feb 2011, 6:03 pm

Mdyar wrote:
The beautiful people syndrome.
It's ugly. It's true. It's anthropological. The 'mean' of the population sets the tone with all the able drones. The less multicultural the more the problems here. You find more one dimensional thinking in these static areas. If you miss cues you are "out"- morally worthtless. "We need to fix you up by a haircut or look how nice so and so over there is dressed." 'You didnt stand close enough to your razor." I've heard these before as applied to others and I'd hate to hear what they told others about me.

I have had those chances to eaves drop and yes, you find out exactly how barbaric the level of thought that other people function on can really be. Lots of people assumed that there was no one 'in here' (ie no personality, I was walking suit), women complained that there was something SERIOUSLY wrong with me at work that I wasn't flirting or asking girls there out, and yes - if you stutter once or twice, that's it, you additionally have mental problems. Not that I didn't survive the experiences, just that my ability to project my higher hopes on other people and pretend they were more like me than they actually are was dashed.