luvsterriers wrote:
From what I also understand about aspergers people is that they don't feel anything. Often at funerals aspergers people don't show any tears or sadness. To me seeing someone in a casket no matter how old they are is so sad. When I saw my grandpa in the casket I was bawling like a baby. WHY is it so hard for people with aspergers to be sad? It's simple really, right? Dead loved one in casket, it's sad! They aren't around to hug you or kiss you or talk to you.
Are you saying that you know some asperger people that were not crying at a funeral? is there an anecdote here?
If think asperger people don't feel anything then you
really understand very little.
It sounds like you are understandably very sad because this person reminds you of your grandpa. It is normal because although you didn't know this person, it brings back memories.
Your sadness is normal. You will be fine.