Why, may you ask, am I saying this? I'm in one of my nihilistic moods, although suicide is definitely off the list. Why bother? Oblivion can't be better than this...
What is on the list are people I have begun to hate, and would like to injure/swear extremely profusely and loudly to their faces:
1. My father, for various reasons too numerous and too painful to relate here.
2. My aunt and cousin, for being selfish, shallow, and siding with my father.
3. Kids below the age of 13, for they talk loudly and ask too many questions and run about and scream, especially in libraries.
4. Dickheads who drive unsafely, without realising that each car is a WMD and CAN KILL!! !!
5. Scum who rape and murder (at the moment, my wrath is focused on those who raped Dianne Brimble, and caused her to die from GHB overdose).
6. Politicians and religious leaders, for obvious reasons.
7. The human race in general for being a bunch of stupid $#!ts who cannot get it together to live in at least a decent simulacrum of peace. They also expect ME to be selfless and altruistic, when they are anything but.
Probably by the next time I reply, I will have become a supervillain and am trying to take over the world. 
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...