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29 Aug 2006, 5:22 pm

I cant deal with much more. I am constantly in trouble with everyone. My parents are always arguing and then they blame me. THEY BLAME ME FOR THEIR PROBLEMS!!

The only place anywhere thats any good is Judo. But whats the point when people are going to attack me anyway hey?

On the way to Cadets tonight I had to go threw the centre of a town clled Beeston in Nottinghamshire. Anyway I was walking down and there were these six kids, three girls three boys, and even before I reached them I knew there would be trouble. So I tried to turn around. But by this time they had already seen me and started coming towards me. So I kept walking in the opposite direction but I am unable to walk fast due to a previous injusry caused by a thug from a local school. So they catch up with me and surround me. One looks at my PSP and says that he has always wanted one. I said oh really. He said yeah what about giving me that one. I said no and put it in my pocket. So he started calling me some real bad names like I should caus I was autistic. And thatmy mum should have killed me at birth. You get the gist. So I try to break out of them, when I see a guy from a Cadets. You know what he did. NOTHING!! HE WALKED STRAIGHT PAST ME!! I tried to shout to him but he ignored me. One of the lads said why would he want to help me an autistic spaccer. So I keep trying to get out when one of the girls hits me on my back and knocks the breath out of me. While I am struggling to catch my breath they let a gap form so I start heading towards this gap and manage to escape. I then ran all the way to Cadets. Didn't stop.

When I get to cadets I get in trouble for being early. 15 minutes early. When I explain what happened he said oh well you had better go away for fifteen minutes. Thankfully the WO stepped in and said I could say if I was being attacked.

Why cant people just leave me alone. This is just one of many incidents.





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29 Aug 2006, 5:54 pm

What would happen if you pressed charges against them?

I am beginning to think that the only two things that will make people change their behavior are lawsuits and the threat of incarceration.

I'm sorry this happened to you, hyper_alien :cry:.

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29 Aug 2006, 6:01 pm

I severely dislike it when people are like this. :!: :evil: :evil: :!:
How old are they? If they are young then they probably do not know what harm they are causing.
If they are older then they are doing it because your body language tells them that you are the weakest being and therefore the best one to abuse with the least amount of consequences.

When i was in high school, the first few weeks everyone observed my body language, it was strange to them and therefore they were carefull not to anoy me at all, after the first few weeks they realised that i am just different and wont fight back, therefore making me the weakest being in the vecinity, and the logical target for bullying.

My advice is do not fight back, it may be the easiet solution but it will create more harm than good, it will make the bullying worse.

Do not take anything expensive out of the house with you, it is just asking to have it stolen from you or broken.

When you are going about your daily life, do your best not to have the equivalent of a sign above your head saying, bully me.
You may think that you don't have that sign, but you do, if you did not then they would not bully you.

Work out what it is that draws them to you, then decide if you would rather change that or take the bullying.

My reply probably is not very positive but it is factual with logical advice.
I hope that everything turns out well in the end for you


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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29 Aug 2006, 7:41 pm

Theres a simple explanation. NTs are bastards. I know that statement is unfair and untrue, but it sure feels that way sometimes.


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29 Aug 2006, 8:15 pm

It's possible that when you started to turn around, they saw that, realised you were afraid of them and decided to take advantage.

The best thing to do seems to be to have an Attitude. With a capital 'A'. If you walk as if you're not afraid of anything, people tend to pick up on it and respect you more. Not always possible to pull off, but if you can, it should help in most situations.

Don't show anything expensive. Walking around with a PSP, Ipod, or some other expensive device will make theives want to target you.

If you're learning Judo, keep that in mind. Same goes for being in the Cadets. The important thing is to be proud of who you are, and what you can do. Even if in a particular situation, you've little chance of winning a fight - don't let the insects who are trying to bully you see you thinking that. It comes back to what I said above, about Attitude - if you look comfortable with your situation and are confident in yourself, it'll make others think twice about trying to intimidate you. They can't get a kick out of scaring you if you're refusing to be scared.

As for your parents... it's called scapegoating. Some parents do it, and it's a horrible thing to happen to someone. Just be logical and polite to them, and the rest is their problem. I realise parents can be hard to put up with, mine are chronically stupid a lot of the time - hang in there, though. You'll only have to live there a while more and then you'll have your own place, and will be able to decide how long they can visit you for.


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30 Aug 2006, 5:17 am

Well said Louise, good advice.

I have a plan if someone should try to steal my cellphone when I'm using it on the street. I would say: this cellphone?, then drop it to the ground and step on it till it breaks into peaces.
Then I'd say: why would you want that, it's broken. If I can't have they can't have it.


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30 Aug 2006, 6:11 am

BelaLugosi wrote:
Theres a simple explanation. NTs are bastards. I know that statement is unfair and untrue, but it sure feels that way sometimes.

Many, or most, of them are. That's just unfair to the small minority of nice NTs.


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30 Aug 2006, 11:30 am

And people wonder how things like Columbine could possibly happen in our "civilized world".
Its ironic how many of the terms people used when describing these "kids" are the same I read about Packs of animals....attacking the weak...smelling the fear...and how sad that it is true...The only time I ever felt "not a victem" was when I had a mowhawk,dumpster dived clothes,not recently showered,and a "dont you dare f%*k with me" look on my face....very effective costume...if it was late at night I would add the "crazy lady" thing and recite my own poetry at full volume as I walked home...even alot of the "poser gangsters" are afraid of crazy people...sorry that this technique wont work for you now, but something to keep in mind when you get older...gotta say, it was kind of fun(especially,knowing inside that I had no experience fighting and would get my butt handed to me if someone tried)...

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30 Aug 2006, 10:54 pm

Because they're Jerks.


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03 Sep 2006, 5:18 am

I suspect that cadets probably draws a lot of sociopaths.

I also think that sometimes in order to get anywhere, you need to know what to set on fire.

(No, that's not real advice)


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03 Sep 2006, 12:51 pm

I'm bullied all the time. I've got used to it. I know how you feel. I've had enough as well. The people who bully me have got to the point where they know how to break me. They can manipulate me. The bunch of.


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03 Sep 2006, 5:38 pm

An update:

My life has now decended even lower and I no longer am arsed with anything...



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03 Sep 2006, 6:01 pm

Yeah people in the US have a false idea that people in UK are all civil and there is no
crime like the US. I've heard alot stories from the UK of autisic being bullied.

I bought my sister a large bottle of a pepper spray to take to college with her years ago.

Can you get it in the UK (you could make it)?


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03 Sep 2006, 10:01 pm

I think there should be zero tolerance for this sort of behavior. I read recently about this blind boy who the other kids at school would punch and run away because they thought it was funny to punch a blind person. They should pass laws to make it a hate crime to bully at least in schools.

The only advice i can offer would be to walk with your head up and look them in the eyes till they look away. Try not to show any fear cause that is what makes them target you.


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03 Sep 2006, 10:03 pm

dont think.

knee to the balls.
turn to the next
palm to the nose
elbow the other's face any way you can

self defense doesnt have to start after they hit you.
they restricted your freedom
already this is assault.

dont start shooting anyone or anything.
and dont worry.
there will, if you survive childhood, be a day when this s**t wont happen anymore.

slam! slam! slam! raaaaaaah!! !! !! !

you are the tiger.

"I'm sorry Katya, my dear, but where we come from, your what's known as a pet; a not quite human novelty. It's why we brought you.... It's nothing to be ashamed of, my dear, but here you are and here you'll sit."


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03 Sep 2006, 10:07 pm

I'm a girl, and even I have never hit a girl, well my sister one day as she was beating me after years of relevant abuse---but I would now if I had to, however, if the same situation happened again it is best to take out the largest opponents first. but if girls wanna act like street b*****s you are in your rights to defend against them as well==it becomes a non gendered issue.

have you reported or inquired of the police )might be saving some other kids life and those b*****s wrong way trip(

do they permit mace where you are?

maybe even risking a small infraction would be best in the interest of your safety.

"I'm sorry Katya, my dear, but where we come from, your what's known as a pet; a not quite human novelty. It's why we brought you.... It's nothing to be ashamed of, my dear, but here you are and here you'll sit."