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19 Apr 2011, 1:59 am

So basically my mom is dating a total douchebag who treats my little brother like s**t, but my mom and brother act like they are trying to protect him. Also me and my cousin are thinking of getting an apartment together but her moms being weird and my mom(her moms sister) would probably flip out on me if she knew of this plan. And my other younger brother likes drinking and smoking weed....which I am cool with if he makes sure to keep from getting out of control. But I am jsut at a loss of what to do. Should i just live my life and stop thinking about it all, or is there something I should be doing. I just don't see how Im going to function with all this going on. I smoke cannabis because it helps keep me sane and I drink because it gets my mind off things. I am no role model for my siblings or anyone else yet I am treated as one by family members. I am just getting so overwhelmed with all this...I am not a great person, I am a borderline alcoholic who smokes a lot of weed and does other drugs on occasion. I am ok with this but i do not nessisarly want anyone to follow. It just seems ineveidable that eventually everyone will find out the truth and I will have to stand my ground or leave.

have any of you experianced things like this? and if so what do you recommend? I am so overwhelmed I cannot seem to think it through right now.


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19 Apr 2011, 3:21 am

Ok I know I have been annoying the crap out of you all, so I did not actually expect any responses. i will probably just delete my profile, that way none of you have to pretend that you care. that will make it better for everyone right?


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19 Apr 2011, 3:53 am

How old is your little brother? Can he fend for himself?

I think the apartment is a good idea and you're 21 so your mother can't stop you.

Sorry I don't have any advice to give.


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19 Apr 2011, 3:58 am

League_Girl wrote:
How old is your little brother? Can he fend for himself?

I think the apartment is a good idea and you're 21 so your mother can't stop you.

Sorry I don't have any advice to give.

He's 9 and has terrible self confidence even though my mom and her idiot boyfriend claim that its not true at all and that he's just fine. But he is claiming that kids who bully him are his 'friends' most likely because its how her boyfriend treats him so he thinks thats how friends are supposed to be. I really cant even handle it to be honest...I mean I want to love my brother like I love my other brother and my sister...but hes so different becasue of the influence of my moms boyfriend I can't feel those feelings towards him. It feels so wrong but I have no idea what the hell to do.


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19 Apr 2011, 4:03 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
How old is your little brother? Can he fend for himself?

I think the apartment is a good idea and you're 21 so your mother can't stop you.

Sorry I don't have any advice to give.

He's 9 and has terrible self confidence even though my mom and her idiot boyfriend claim that its not true at all and that he's just fine. But he is claiming that kids who bully him are his 'friends' most likely because its how her boyfriend treats him so he thinks thats how friends are supposed to be. I really cant even handle it to be honest...I mean I want to love my brother like I love my other brother and my sister...but hes so different becasue of the influence of my moms boyfriend I can't feel those feelings towards him. It feels so wrong but I have no idea what the hell to do.

You can try teaching him those are not his friends and his mother's boyfriend is wrong for treating him that way.


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19 Apr 2011, 4:08 am

League_Girl wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
How old is your little brother? Can he fend for himself?

I think the apartment is a good idea and you're 21 so your mother can't stop you.

Sorry I don't have any advice to give.

He's 9 and has terrible self confidence even though my mom and her idiot boyfriend claim that its not true at all and that he's just fine. But he is claiming that kids who bully him are his 'friends' most likely because its how her boyfriend treats him so he thinks thats how friends are supposed to be. I really cant even handle it to be honest...I mean I want to love my brother like I love my other brother and my sister...but hes so different becasue of the influence of my moms boyfriend I can't feel those feelings towards him. It feels so wrong but I have no idea what the hell to do.

You can try teaching him those are not his friends and his mother's boyfriend is wrong for treating him that way.

I have but he just blows it off and thinks of something upsetting to say to me. though i dont get upset because I have been rather numb latelyl


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19 Apr 2011, 8:03 am

I think that you should move into your own place and take your brother with you. If that's not possible, maybe phone the cops on the douche bag.

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19 Apr 2011, 11:16 am

First of all, you can't blame yourself for not being able to fix everything. You have to recognize that while you are able to do some good, you are only one person in the situation and the others have to cooperate and do their part to fix the problems.

What you can do is to attack the problems that you can fix head on. It takes a great deal of courage and resolve. Sometimes you have to set aside your fears and do the right thing even though you are not certain you can do it. You may find that you have far more strength than you give yourself credit for. It won't be easy and you will fail at some things. But you can also succeed more than you would suspect.

Use alcohol and other drugs wisely. I understand turning to alcohol as a way of tuning out of the situation, but as you know, it is a way of avoiding the problem and when you wake up the next morning, the problem is still there. It might be helpful to make a deal with yourself to accomplish some task BEFORE you have a drink. I know from experience that when I don't allow myself to drink and instead solve a problem I have been avoiding, I feel much better and have less need of escape.

I can't offer any specific suggestions about how to deal with what is clearly a difficult situation, but I can say that if you make a direct effort and have a little trust in yourself, you can accomplish a lot more than you might currently believe.

(On re-reading this, it sounds a lot like a cheesy self-help pep talk. But, in my experience, facing the problem and attacking it directly is almost always the better approach.)

Good luck.

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19 Apr 2011, 2:49 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
So basically my mom is dating a total douchebag who treats my little brother like sh**, but my mom and brother act like they are trying to protect him. Also me and my cousin are thinking of getting an apartment together but her moms being weird and my mom(her moms sister) would probably flip out on me if she knew of this plan. And my other younger brother likes drinking and smoking weed....which I am cool with if he makes sure to keep from getting out of control. But I am jsut at a loss of what to do. Should i just live my life and stop thinking about it all, or is there something I should be doing. I just don't see how Im going to function with all this going on. I smoke cannabis because it helps keep me sane and I drink because it gets my mind off things. I am no role model for my siblings or anyone else yet I am treated as one by family members. I am just getting so overwhelmed with all this...I am not a great person, I am a borderline alcoholic who smokes a lot of weed and does other drugs on occasion. I am ok with this but i do not nessisarly want anyone to follow. It just seems ineveidable that eventually everyone will find out the truth and I will have to stand my ground or leave.

have any of you experianced things like this? and if so what do you recommend? I am so overwhelmed I cannot seem to think it through right now.

First advice: lay off the other drugs. No good comes from anything other than weed, psilocybin mushrooms, and DMT (and you won't find legitimate DMT). They other drugs seriously mess with your personality and screw your emotions worse than they may be without. With shrooms, you shouldn't really do it more than once a month or twice in any given month.

Do you really mean alcoholic or just a drunk? I was (and still am) a drunk but I am absolutely not an alcoholic...those are the people who drink all day...wake up and have a drink. It's not exaggerating, it's bad. If you end up getting to that point, that means you also have to deal with DT's when you finally do stop (delirium tremens). Taking a break from drinking for a week or two is always a good idea because it'll keep you at being a relatively cheap drunk and saving money is always good.

You also probably want to watch out for yourself with guys...given that you've shown to be a little unstable here, I'd guess you're about the same in real life and that probably means that you're an easy target for guys to use. Be careful with that. If you've got that under control then no worries. :)

As far as home life goes...I don't think anyone can really look to comment off of that alone because a lot of home life issues isn't just one person's story but also the perspective within. Why would your mom and aunt be against you and your cousin moving in? Are you both enablers for the other?

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