Had it with multi player games. Abuse isn't for me.
I'm in a VERY..... extremly upset mood, so be kind to me this time. The blog isn't working.
Today in World of warcraft, I kicked my mother and my aquaintence out of the guild, because I want to distroy the guild. They are sweet and all, but a number of these other pricks that play it have distroyed WoW on every level for me. This was after I found myself crying again, because people keep abuseing me through key board typeing. I have done what they asked many times, and only found more of their #^$# down my throat! I took all the items in the guild and sold them to a vender.
(I put 98% of those things in there, and nobody used them for over a year now.) Sure, it was a little far to kick her out, but I'm not takeing one more 'but you like this game" saying from her!
~NO. I don't like it anymore, mother. How obvious do I need to get?~ She's likely better off with a productive guild that "Progresss by Decades"/"progress nowhere, period" Where's the fun with control jerks? What? Ignore them? How many can the ignore list hold? Not enough, so that is clearly futile. They come from this server, and that server, and some of them were on my own servers. Ignoreing them all isn't possible! I'll ignore, go through the same routine, and it'll happen all over again. Some little douche will throw a tantrum about something pety and meaningless. How meaningless? So much as one gear stat. point in the lowest level dungion now.
With their third expansion, my guild goes nowhere, and big SURPRISE, there are now carried loosers who groan and abuse whoever they feel like..... because their guild leveled and carried their sad butts to just two stupid bind on account armor pieces! A stupid helm and cape. That's their pathetic excuse to call someone else hidious names, and be bullies. To add to that, we have to get into social places I don't like going, and all because of the big or small, oh so cool guild wants it's progress! I wanted some things out of my personal guild to, but it was going to get nowhere for practicely eternity. I didn't want "by decades" to be that literal, if you get my point. (This one was mine from the start, by the way. Progress by Decades. Yeah, I thought that name was funny at first... sigh.)
Why is that digital pet, bag, coin, or helmet REMOTELY worth the ongoing personal attacks?! They certainly aren't worth it! Why pay to be told how to move, how sheep, how to pace, how to dress, even how to hit and cast at things, for God sakes. Like, every move! Every meaningless detail these days gets some form of snobbish flack. Sometimes they are vicious, and even when someone made a simple, common accident, or have one point of one stupid, meaningless stat. that doesn't matter at all. Sure, some good people play it, but come on! (This is one reason I always hated being maxed level)
I've dealt with their garbage enough before it launched, but it is getting too stupid! Nearly every time I play in it, there is some ego strokeing noob! There doesn't seem to be anywhere I would have enjoyed going, that their sort don't show up at least once!
What do I find to top this? Some web sights I used to brouse for info. have a member or two that actualy appear to support of the pushy jerks. In fact, I was brouseing gems, and found something like the following line.
"Elitist pricks confirm it's better." 'cough' What? You're supporting the bully now? That's messed up, in my oppinion! Give a huge pat in the back to jerk squad who go controling other people, even when they're wrong. Thanks alot, for contributeing to the obvious problem, guys. You'd think our accounts were their's instead, they way they are.
Their excuse when being called out of in is "I go to work and come home to play it my way." Oh really? Your targets seem to do the same thing, last time I checked. What about their money, and the word respect? I really, really want to delete my account now.
It costs you money to play and who pays money and time to be aggravated and abused? Screw that.
I experienced similar bullying for a GPS-based and Photography-based game called Waymarking. I'd written several categories, was managing more, and had posted over 300 waymarks. I ended up walking away cold because there was an incredible amount of BS. I was stalked outside of the website forum and berated on my personal blog, with this person posting pictures of and insulting my children. Why did she do it? Because I didn't agree with a category her husband was proposing. One of the people behind the harassment was an actual reverend who behaved deplorably but always reminded everyone that he was Godly missionary who participated so much in Waymarking that the site needed him as some defense mechanism whenever he was called on his BS. That one would even threaten to leave when he got upset but then WOULD NEVER GO. Another called me the c-word and "b***h" in email because I wouldn't approve a waymark into a category when he didn't meet any of the criteria to be accepted. And I wish I could say that I was an isolated case where nobody had experienced anything like it, but I wasn't! There have been tons of people who left the game or never touched the forum because of awful experiences that sounded like mine BECAUSE OF THE SAME PEOPLE. It amazes me why it's permitted to continue. What's even more amazing in the land of delusion is that a couple of these bullies (the husband of the stalker and the one who called me the c-word) even tried to friend me on Facebook. How lacking in self-awareness are these people? I felt bad that there were only "Ignore" and "Accept" buttons. I wanted a "HELL NO!" button!
But you know, one day I realized that I'm a grown woman. I'm married and I'm raising children. I have bills, priorities, and schedules to maintain. I have a real life. I was photographing and learning about interesting and historical locations before I knew Waymarking existed because it's what I love to do. All the benefits and credibility that I have exists because of real life connections, not this website So, I appointed new category leaders, removed myself from all categories, and was done. I didn't make a big thing about it. I just did it. I got lots of messages and emails from people because I didn't cause drama so nobody knew it was happening before it happened. There's still people who miss me and I still get emails from friends who want my opinion on whether or not to approve a waymark into certain categories. It's been well over a year. I'm not going back.
Keep in mind. This wasn't WoW. This wasn't a game putting people into positions where they have a military/fighting state of mind. People don't really compete in Waymarking. It's designed for people to cooperate as a community. There's no slaying monsters, gaining magic elements, or joining guilds. It's simply recording coordinates of interesting locations, taking pictures, and posting about it on a website. And yet the same BS still happened.
So, walk away. Don't look back. Screw this BS. You don't need it. Get on with your real life that's delightfully moron-free. If your mom gives you flack because she wants you to do something that she knows you've enjoyed, explain that you did enjoy the game very much but it is a shame that the abuse is such a prevalent element. You'd rather not play that game than to be subjected to that, nor do you want to support a company that would allow people to behave in such a manner. Tell her that you're disappointed, too, but that you're sure there's other things you can enjoy just as much that don't have such bullying.
Im going to be honest here, and no its not kind.
1, there are other guilds out there, you can just leave the one you're in and try another.
2. kick the people that are ruining the guild?.
3. I think its better you quit if you feel this way. Toughen up and dont get trolled but do the trolling, its a game why so serious.
4. you rant about people destroying a guild and you destroy it in a far more overkill way then they ever could. hypocrit.
1, there are other guilds out there, you can just leave the one you're in and try another.
2. kick the people that are ruining the guild?.
3. I think its better you quit if you feel this way. Toughen up and dont get trolled but do the trolling, its a game why so serious.
4. you rant about people destroying a guild and you destroy it in a far more overkill way then they ever could. hypocrit.
I think you just substantiated her reasons for leaving by providing a good demonstration of the crap she has to deal with. She can't even rant about her experience in The Haven without being berated. That's just too ridiculous.
1, there are other guilds out there, you can just leave the one you're in and try another.
2. kick the people that are ruining the guild?.
Learn to read my post! ! It's not about my guild! It had THREE... PEOPLE.... IN... IT... WHO.. ARE... MY,... MOTHER.. AND... EX FRIEND... as I put, and wrote.
I think it'd be great if you get a life, and stop bullying people for thrills.
No! LEARN TO READ! I rant about Elitist litttle bullies like you who harass and berate me for years through the game PERIOD! Everywhere I try to enjoy myself, some little turd has to have it all their way, and they'll get vicious to have it! Now f**k OFF!! !!
Last edited by LiendaBalla on 01 Apr 2011, 9:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
This is exactly why I never post in the haven! I'm never entitlted to my own feelings. If I get harassed and called names, "f**k you lienda, you f*****g b***h." I have gotten CRAP and gotten CRAP since I was in KINDERGARDEN!! ! I've seen a victims arm get broke and tiwsted! I've ran from class rooms out of fear of my life!! !! I was tramatized in gradeschool, and humiliated day in and day out with peer abuse! My father money guilt tripped my entire life. Both my parents chewed me out, one time or other, because MY VOICE didn't sound lady like enough for them!!
Many times when I want to talk to them about my feelings, they call it drama, or tell me stories about someone else to keep me quiet. Mother read more out of her books, and father worked more at his repair job, than I got quality time out of! Little sister got two birthday parties, before I had all mine with invited kids, most of whome didn't like me anyway.
I'm been isolated and shunned at work places! Laughed at in my college work project group! People set up my sister with dates, but never bat an eye at me. My neighbores walk by my window to mock my singing, and privacy once in a while! Some of their kids toss me racial slurrs!! Sometimes I fill out applications, so managers can practice their interview skills, or tell me how dumb they think I am. I play a game, and every time I run into some stupid little bastard who wants to control someone else's every move! Twice, I start a thread in the haven, and get attacked in it. I can't wait for your two thugs to tear my suidcidal ass apart!
TOUGHEN UP, MY ASS! Why don't you walk a mile in my shoes!
Last edited by LiendaBalla on 01 Apr 2011, 9:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

For what it's worth (which isn't a lot) I agree with you completely.
I can only play multiplayer games when i'm in a good mood, else all the negative crap people say really hurts me.
I stopped playing call of duty for that reason. A girl playing the game?! well that just opens up a WHOLE ton of different abuse.
I've been there feeling like that. I think one day you just have to sit back and realise that you cant' stop people being horrible. People will always be jerks. You can still fight against it, but once you accept it, you can fight against it in a more chilled out way. you can't control the world or stop everyone being so jerky unfortunately.
Obviously if you play with relatives the emotional involvement is much higher then playing with strangers.
So yeah im kind of sorry for not reading your post.
Her relatives aren't the ones causing her stress. I'm really amused that you're still not reading.
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