Hey all.
Tomorrow is the day that I'm going to have an appointment with a psychologist who knows a lot about spectrum diagnoses and a certain family member to reveal to that family member that I am being highly recommended to seek a specialist's official diagnosis by both a teacher who is a good friend of mine (and who has also worked with other spectrum kids before) as well as the psychologist herself.
Even though I want to do this (I can't survive another year of pure misery), I am very scared. Thankfully I am not going to be in the meeting; to which she said was for the best since I can't distinguish severe anger from deep concern in tone/facial expression in real life communications and so I could shut down really easily. The psychologist is also going to mention it to my family member so that she knows not to immediately approach me with high levels of concern.
I am hoping my diagnosis will help get me to services that I desperately need, such as help identifying and feeling certain emotions as well as general social skills.
I am just very, very, very scared about all of this, and some hugs and soothing words would be lovely.
Note: The psychologist could technically diagnose me, but she feels more comfortable if I go to see someone who has more experience in the general field.
Currently: I'm about to go into the track to get an Asperger's syndrome diagnosis. I'm suspected of having Aspergers by a professional right now, though.
AQ// 41 out of 50
Aspie Quiz// AS: 168/200 NT: 46/200