I am fifty years old and have always searched for truth. At a very young age I began reading many thousands of books on every subject imaginable, but focusing mainly on history until I was about twenty years old, then mainly on science until I was in my mid-thirties, comparative mythology and Native American studies from my mid-thirties to my mid-forties, and eastern philosophies the past eight or nine years. I especially enjoy listening to audio files of the 20th century philosopher Alan Watts as he explained eastern philosophies to western audiences in many talks worldwide in the 1960s and early 1970s. He is a blast to listen to.
It seems most if not all religions have the same core message, inflected for different cultures, but many people mistake the map for the territory. To paraphrase Alan Watts, ideas of God are like a pretty picture of a sky painted on a window. In order to experience the sky itself, one must scrape off the painting. Many people will try to talk you out of this. Can't you see it is a very nice painting. It was done by a great artist, etc.
I have learned and experienced much from perspectives gained from my studies of eastern philosophies. I like the humor of early Taoism and early Zen. I don't like sitting though. My form of Zen is bicycle guitaring Zen. I ride as I play; I play as I ride. I sometimes say I am "riding the guitar while playing the bicycle," because the music carries me while my body keeps the bicycle balanced.
"When you ride over sharps, you get flats!"--The Bicycling Guitarist, May 13, 2008