Parental advice that was not good
I had a rather aggravating family reunion the other week.
I will skip back and talk about my condition because I fear I could be biased.
I have mild aspergers and I do tend to find it hard for people to pass comments about the way I live my life (Especially my parents) . I dont know why that is. Maybe its just that im tired of people (mainly parents) making a big deal over tiny things .
last week was 'breaking point' for me . At the family reunion I have a cousin who has a been considered Academically gifted. This doesnt make me angry . I mean it is surprising and I guess for a while I felt a little jealous (I was good at academics and my parents where strict with it) , but I just accepted it after a while. I do want to feel better than others sometimesbut then I realise its selfish to think like that and no matter where I go ther will be people who do something better than me so I tried not to bother.
However this was different. I realised that this family (especially my grandfather ) had a large store on academic achievement. One thing I also noticed was my cousin would not talk to many people at all at the reunion (He was polite but ultimately seemed uninterested ) , this was annoying because usually we can at least talk. I also didnt hassle him , I was just trying to be nice. That didnt work well. Needless to say I didnt enjoy the night as much as I hoped.
However this is the unbearable part
After the reunion my father , who was always very picky about how I conducted myself socially, picked out some ''flaws'' about what I had done on that night ,socially. And his conclusion was that I was trying to make myself look like the more intelligent guy by talking about the news (A subject he believes I am clueless about) to him (father) not to my cousin ...but within hearing distance of him!?! and somehow he picked this up as been a way of showing my intellegence to my cousin. I also felt ,that they felt, that because of his academic tests and aptitude I was not ment to speak freely to him because hes too bright....(Although they didnt say it , but you could sense it easily)
I was furious because I just wanted to have an enjoyable time . To be quite honest I felt my cousin could have been a little more friendly! I felt it was an unfair and stupid comment to make by my father. Any attention to my cousin was to be friendly because I was bored! and I take it he was to so he should have made an effort with me.
It was also hypocritical because my father had commented on how my cousin presented himself another family reunion
I may be making a big deal out of this but when you have aspergers and your parents always are heavy handed on suggestions for socializing ... you explode when they make you think youve something wrong when you havent (to be fair they get it right sometimes), So Im posting this as a way of letting it all out) .....Probably should just write in my diary (more private haha)
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