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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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Joined: 24 Apr 2011
Age: 44
Gender: Male
Posts: 31

08 Jul 2011, 9:28 am

Colors are formed as shapes emerge
Illuminations travel on free flowing curves
Light contrasts, allow arcs to flow
Smoothing rounds begin to glow
Combinations blend into one
Bring forth multiples to run
They re-emmit, while inter-wined
Transparency thru strait lines
Twist apart and pro-create
Suppling spirals fluent to figure eights
Cylinders, Obliges and domes
Establish themselves to be home
Up until, the bend occurs
Ever steeping the curves,
Pushes out the light
And clouds over into dark
Sensory issues tend to start
Let me try to break apart
Incorparative colors numbers letters even fonts
Automation thought response
Interconnection thru out my mind
Continuum reflection linking place an time
Numbers, words and songs defined
youth indifference, not knowing why
Any explaniation, asked "you high"?
Described as a rigid mind no ability to flex
Hypertensive states, migraine headaches
Feel a freedom to extract
No speech to hold me back
Comunication method in abstract
No verbal laws to navigate
leave open to mis-interpretate
In youth i experienced no end
My mind was fresh free to pretend
No restraints or guided bounds
Curious with all i found
Knowledge grew as years moved on
Memories based on sight and sound
Comprehension fomulates
Tightens a noose to create
Simulations of right and wrong
Broken lies turned into song
Laws enforced, terms dictate
The were and when, seasons and dates
Why all these rules?
Who drew these cards?
Born into ease, raised into hard
Joy of life, before i knew
Just what it meant "bills are due"
F#*% it all you can have it back!
Evolution went off track
Telling all i feel just fine
More mediocre or sublime
But i work most of the time
From day start until the end
keeping track, making ammends
Controling all, not letting go
My eyes they dart, to and throw
Become confused then get enraged
Over little things, someone did change
Take it on to do it all
Intelligence begins to fall
Signs emerge when weight does drop
"Its just a job you need to stop"
Communicate from me to them
With words they do not comprehend
This was my mark you have destroyed
Accomplishment it brings forth joy?
Its never done theres always more
My thoughts cannot be ignored
Interpretations and multi-task
You know i can't but still you ask
Expansions thru to re-designs
With subtle intagrated lines
Exhausted and i am over tired
Have i trully lost my mind
Did my shelf life become expired
Split in two divides in half
The journey down twin sided path
Up and down, side to side
A spark connects both black and white
From left to right, back and forth
The dots connect to trace the course
A map of sorts a trail of crumbs
Chain links its way then come's undone
This static motion chasing unstated facts
In leaps and bounds all else retracts
Leaves only the place my quest was for
Founding solutions supplies half a door
The otherside and patterns change
All clarity turns to haze
Travelling a road that soon transcends
Into a maze free of dead ends
Searching the corners of a round
Inbetween sight and sound
Nothingness's endless stream
The parrellel of reasoning
This overloaded constant feed
Unbalanced spills out negativity
Filling up and drowning out
A day of hope replaced with doubt
Confused and lost to find the words
Interconnectedness thru every thought
Place and time disapear
Lost in thoughts escaping whats real
I came and went completed the line
Solved a puzzle by destroying mine
Piece by piece escapes my brain
Allot thats left is fear and pain
Like memories of long ago
Try on the smile say hello
You best put on a positive show
No more mumbling speak up loud and clear
Of that talk no one wants to hear
Measure of truth inside some lies
Spend years wishing i would die
Lost of chances given up so many times
Fabricated this talentless generic rhyme
There were options there for me?
Socailly inept, confused too
Struggled everyday at school
But everybody has it tough
Was raised with love, but felt disgust
Tryed to hide the negative in me
Its overflowed started to seep
An oddity of the human race?
Apathetic outlook held in place
I seek isolation most of the time
To much information streams in outside
Overloaded by a distorted algorhyme
Always there, never clear to see
In my brain thoughts run free,
Like a perpetual contingincy
No it's not insanity
At times feels like its destroying me
Can not function socially
Erratic swings emoitionally
Pushed away those who are close to me
I don't know who i am supposed to be
Attenion lacks in focusing
Conversing, but don no know what you mean
God i hope this life is just a dream
Wake up at night and want to scream
Speech locks up, now stuttering
Continuum connecting train like string
Automates fluent visual imagery
Colors and shapes form memories
Sounds and times of used to be
Drowned by endless negativity
Helps extracting as its emerged
Maybe i just need to purge
Do you understand these words?
To me it comes across completly absurd
Talking things out like the general heard