Hi Gailryder,
I have read your post and can understand your concerns. It seems that you want to see your friend and would feel reasured of her thoughts for you, if she initiated the meeting , instead of you having to. Then you would feel reasurred, but seeing as she hasnt yet, then its either a choice of you not bothering and never knowing what the outcome would of been if you had, or you have the choice to bother, and contact her, and find out the results, and then you will never have to wonder what the outcome may of been.
I would choose to contact her, just so I didnt need to fill my head up with thoughts of ....'what if' ...
I would casually mention that you's havent seen each other for a while, and maybe thats because you both have been preoccupied with other things, and did she fancy meeting up for a coffee, or whatever . if she says yes, thats great for you. If she says no, and gives an excuse, then at least you have an answer and will at least have a chance of accepting that you's have possibly drifted apart and learn to accept it, and move on.
if you's do meet up,. you could suggest that when she moves away, you could keep in touch by letter, or email, or with a webcam, etc, and maybe see if you could stay for a while in each others home during the holidays.
good luck with whatever choice you make.