How do you deal with teasing or bullying?

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17 Aug 2011, 3:52 pm

Something i've personally been going through lately or at least my interpretation of it.

No i'm not getting slammed into any lockers (i'm too old atm to have a locker, unless it was at a gym--in which case i'd sue)

But just personal things that you find annoying, someone with a dumb nickname for you that they use whenever you show up. Or someone who always has something to joke about even when you don't really have rapport with that person. Yes, you're supposed to be friends or acquaintances by association. But its like wow, I don't show up and talk to make your life more fun, or to give you things to joke about in which I never will think is funny.

Cussing the person out is a quick solution, but according to your friend (or gf in this case) the person just likes you--which has been proven by the fact that they defended you when you were getting harassed. But sheesh, is it too much to ask for someone to shut the hell up once in a while.

Also made "cuter" by the fact that the person is a girl... yay free pass. Unlike when guys tell other people to "shut the f*** up*" and people get ready for combat--with her its cute. (Note she's never told me this personally or it' wouldn't be an issue)

Anyway, I kinda don't really enjoy this persons company and am torn between trying to act nice for my girlfriends sake or being a blunt ass about it because not only are the jokes old (I never thought they were funny) i've been teased enough, that one sided joking is just offensive to me.

Any thoughts or comments welcome.


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17 Aug 2011, 4:27 pm

It's always best to just stand up to them, and give them back whatever they're giving you.

This usually doesn't backfire because people know that they "had it coming"

This happened a few months ago when I visited a clients company and an old acquaintance of mine started giving me a hard time about my weight (I am unusually thin) in a rather unprofessional manner.

I said "you pretty much say whatever pops into your head without thinking, don't you?"

She turned bright red and everyone else sort of looked away.

Never happened again though...


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17 Aug 2011, 6:32 pm

I had a nickname in college I didn't like very much, but it didn't annoy me until people I respected started calling me that (in a joking manner of course) Eventually I said to one guy who I happened to respect more than anyone "Look, I don't call you by your nickname every time I see you, OK? This is getting really old, and I expected better from you of all people! I have a real f*****g name, so use it!" He told me to calm myself, but I told him that if I wasn't really pissed, I wouldn't be addressing him that way because I never had (nobody did--he was the leader of the basketball team) and that I'd really appreciate it if he would start treating me with the same respect I've always given him. He was taken aback a little, but after the initial shock, he never called me the nickname again. I think he then realized how unfunny it was.


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18 Aug 2011, 7:13 am

I said "you pretty much say whatever pops into your head without thinking, don't you?"

She turned bright red and everyone else sort of looked away.

Never happened again though...

Thanks I particularly liked that part and think I will try to put that into practice.

I probably need to be assertive, I get caught off guard thinking ppl are nice and then they say something off the wall.

I had a nickname in college I didn't like very much, but it didn't annoy me until people I respected started calling me that (in a joking manner of course) Eventually I said to one guy who I happened to respect more than anyone "Look, I don't call you by your nickname every time I see you, OK? This is getting really old, and I expected better from you of all people! I have a real f***ing name, so use it!" He told me to calm myself, but I told him that if I wasn't really pissed, I wouldn't be addressing him that way because I never had (nobody did--he was the leader of the basketball team) and that I'd really appreciate it if he would start treating me with the same respect I've always given him. He was taken aback a little, but after the initial shock, he never called me the nickname again. I think he then realized how unfunny it was.

Yeah, this person falls under a friend type label also. They joke around with everyone, but it seems if you don't do well with that type of thing, you get targeted. Its nice to know that the direct approach works as well.


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18 Aug 2011, 8:37 am

I don't like people joking about my last name (I was bullied with it for years and years). I've noticed that if I seriously tell them to stop doing it, people stop doing it. At least nice people will.

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18 Aug 2011, 11:06 am

When I was younger I was bullied a lot, and I never really said anything against it. I just retreated into my books and stories and pretend everything was better. Now i would immediately speak up, and probably insult the person as much as they are insulting me. Although I find it funny that now that I have the confidence to stand up, I haven't been bullied in years...

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