I assume that there is always the basic Holden Caufield-like desire to go and do such a thing, but the odd thing is that I'm starting to feel that it is attainable. I would just need money, and I have no qualms about robbery, so I have to wonder if maybe I could. Just a matter of finding a piece of property and getting a decent house built on it, then some food and maybe oil/gas for electricity if I didn't want solar or wind power. All in all, we're talking a sizable initial investment(500,000 dollars would be a low estimate), plus maybe 25,000 for food and water, and another 15,000 for electricity(northern New York, heating costs would be extravagant). Throw in costs of the little things(I'll take an estimate of 30,000 initial and maybe 5,000 annual. I'm trying to live with a bit of style here), and I'd say I could live for a good while on 1.5 million. It would be quite a bit of work, but I just have to wonder if it's possible.
On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.