liveandletdie wrote:
Anyways here's the skippy on nyquil. It will kill your liver eventually and you'll die a slow painful death.
I don't know if its the goop or the dxm or the combo but it's bad for your liver. (i hope you are atleast getting the one without aspirin or tylenol or w.e. they put in it)
Coming in a bit late to the party myself...from my experience, preparations with DXM only (no Tylenol, no CPM, no guaifenesin, no nuthin') is not hepatoxic over the long term. I've been on binges that probably knocked my liver for a temporary loop, but a few months ago I passed a full liver panel with flying colors -- no enzymes close to being out of whack, even CYP2D6, even after abusing the stuff for five years straight.
Stevie100 wrote:
I do not take them every day like I used to and when I do not take them, I get severe withdrawal and become super anxious.
I just don't know what to do to make this addiction go away.
I don't know who came up with the misconception that DXM isn't physically addictive. Abuse it long enough, and you will get the point of withdrawal symptoms, mainly depression from serotonin rebound. In my case, it was "brain zaps", similar to what happens when you cut off an SSRI too quickly. As for the psychological piece, I'm right there with you -- hospitalizations, 72-hour holds, the whole nine yards. All I can say has pretty much been said in this thread already: find some NA meetings nearby and sit in on as many as possible. I find the repetition soothing somehow and have gotten quite a lot just by listening. If you go for treatment, make sure they're willing to be flexible in the way they run groups. Each time I've tried, I either checked out from overload or got hyperaware and started running absolutely every word through the mill, to the point where I was trying to work everyone else's program instead of my own.
Anyway, please PM me if there's any other way I can be of help!