Sowlowsolo wrote:
I think you are probably right - but that doesn't make it ok.
I don't think it's OK, either, but it's just what we humans do. Sure, my fiends and I have been known to laugh at each other when we get hurt (usually for doing something obviously stupid, though, and nothing truly serious or life-threatening) but that doesn't mean we don't also immediately feel a large amount of concern for each other's safety, health and well-being when it happens, too. I have a lot of respect for the dead, and a lot of compassion for those who are sick, injured or otherwise suffering in some way, but I'm not completely guilt-free in that area myself, and I doubt anyone truly is.
It may also be a competition reflex, as well, dating back to early human behavior. When someone died, it meant one less person to compete with for natural resources and breeding rights. Those who made their 'alpha status' known during times of social and emotional vulnerability (often involving the death of a tribe/clan member) were probably more likely to remain un-challenged and gather those resources closer to them while also promoting the idea that the person who died was unfit to survive anyway, and that if you didn't want to end up like them, you should follow the living 'alpha'.
Or something like that, anyway.
It takes a village to raise an idiot, but it only takes one idiot to raze a village.