Yes, I am a hermit, by choice. I rarely go out, and then it is just for errands, mostly groceries, occasional family visits, and occasional doctor visits. I prefer it that way. I lived with relatives for most of my life, but have been on my own for about 6 years now. Home alone is definitely better than home with the family. We drove each other crazy. NTs try to make you conform to normal, which we on the spectrum can't do, so they get upset that they can't get you to be normal, and you get upset at not being able to fit in, at their unpleasant and uncomfortable efforts to make you fit in, and at their negative reaction to you, when the normalization process fails. My life is much less stressful now. I never want to live with others again! I need a home place where I can usually live with low stress, and peacefully. I am better able to handle stresses away from home, now that I have a hermitage to retreat to.
Remember, we on the spectrum are all:
A Different Drummer
If a man does not keep pace with his companions,
Perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears,
However measured or far away.
--Henry David Thoreau