Yes, I have. It's been well over thirty years and I'm still ashamed of it, but I have.
For as long as I can remember, back into childhood, I've had the sense that there was a higher order of reality around us that was far more real than the physical reality we perceive with our senses, what Hamlet expressed when he said, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophies."
I was never much impressed with the generic suburban protestantism my parents halfheartedly raised me in because everybody said that church was good for kids. It was obvious they didn't care about it themselves, and equally obvious that there was nothing there, a kind of spiritual MacDonalds.
I was never much impressed with western philosphers, who were seeking truth in word games and linear logic, like hunting elephants with dime store rubber tipped arrows. It might have been Kant who talked about "Defining your way to victory,' as though seeking perception of truth and the nature of reality had anything to do with winning arguments. The existentialists made sense, but I never understood how they could write phone book sized volumes based on such a simple idea.
So the stage was set, bring out the human sacrifice. I joined the mormon church in middle teens and built my life around it for the next seven years. I still wonder how it was possible for me to have been so stupid, although it don't matter no more. It was obvious from the beginning that their moral teachings ran counter to morality and their belief system was just plain dumb, but it took me that long to face up to that fact and separate myself from them. I suppose that since then, I have never been able to deny my own capacity for stupidity.
They're required to accept anybody, so they provided a community for a kid who was always alone, although they didn't like me for the same reason nobody else ever has, plus it was always evident that I did not believe Jesus followed whatever was fashionable in the republican mainstream.
There is an epilogue I wish I hadn't written, but I cannot change the past. I ended up technically married to a groupie whore who worships the mormon cult leaders, and now I pass my final days watching my kids brainwashed to build their life guiding beliefs around the idea that truth and morality means mindlessly following republican millionaires. This mormon feminist allience is the strangest thing since Israel and South Africa worked together to build nuclear weapons, but it happened.
The sun comes up and passes through the sky and goes down in the west. My days go by until the last one comes.
I have explored other paths since then, taoism, buddhism, quantum mechanics, indian sweat lodges, and hasidic judaism. I never wanted to join another orgainzation.
They murdered boys in Mississippi. They shot Medgar in the back.
Did you say that wasn't proper? Did you march out on the track?
You were quiet, just like mice. And now you say that we're not nice.
Well thank you buddy for your advice...