J-Greens wrote:
I've gone down the whole nice guy building friendship route & both times at the end of the road there is...her boyfriend, so then I'm stuck with both a growing attraction and a good friendship against some chump who's already skipped that first chapter. Hmph.
This isn't a problem exclusive to people with aspergers, this is something that everyone (guys and girls) experience in life. I have many times in the past tried to get close to someone in a romantic way only to discover ooops, I went too far and am now firmly in the FRIEND ZONE!
( Your tone sounds like you're feeling a little defeated right now, so I just wanted to say try and stay perky and don't give up on your goals!
) Anyone can achieve whatever they set their mind to in life. John Couch Adams, Issac Newton, Albert Einstein and David Bellamy didn't let it stand in their way so why should you?!
) (I found these names here
http://incorrectpleasures.blogspot.com/ ... rtant.html )
Apologies if you thought my advice in my last post was inappropriate, it wasn't clear that your question was about dating, you used the example of the gym so I expanded upon that example in my post.