This sucks.....
You are doing,one positive thing,coming here and venting a little.Although,anger is very frustrating and painful,if it is what you are feeling(and not sadness,which can sometimes be confused with anger)Then,that is a good thing.Let yourself feel the anger.If you have a safe place to walk and yell/talk about why you are angry(like a waalk in the woods),sometimes that can be helpful.When I get angry at work....I walk outside at work to have a cig. and start talking to myself about how "stupid" so and so is,or whatever to get it out of my system.Since,anger,dumps adrinaline into your system(increased heart rate)I also find it helpful to do some thing physical,bike riding and push-ups.I used to keep a journal to write down the things that bothered me and sometimes write poetry about it.
When you feel calmer,you can think of any possible ways to resolve whatever the issue is,maybe writting your friend a "calm" logical letter about what is frustrating you and hopefully clear up any misunderstandings.I have found that sometimes when my friends have done something to piss me off it was because I had done something to make them upset,but was totally unaware of it!!!Sometimes they are just being "jerks" because they are having a hard time in their own lives and dont know how to direct their own anger(at someone else)or,they just dont know "how" to be in a friendship and are unconciously trying to sabatoge it(I have done this countless times)
I am sorry your family cant be more supportive...some people just dont know how....When I would try to tell my mom about some one at school who had "pissed me off"....she made a big ddeal about my "swearing" and didnt address the problem it self....or...told me how it was probably my fault...or...
Told me I was being "holier then thou" to say anything negative about others..or...told me I was just being "negative" and should stop dwelling on it...I eventually learned not to talk to my mom....
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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