Sigh. For the umpteenth time: the Mayans did not believe the world would end when their calendar "ran out". To them, calendars were supposed to roll over once per era, and the rolling over of a calendar was cause for major celebration and a week of festivities. Put another way, if the Mayans were alive today, they'd be getting ready to throw a party like we did back in 1999.
The only people who genuinely believe anything bad is going to happen on December 20, 2012 are Americans who somehow got the crazy idea from popular fiction that the world is supposed to end then.
If you want a date to really worry about, worry about January 19, 2038. 3:14:07am (UTC), to be exact. 2^31 seconds after the dawn of the Unix Epoch at midnight UTC on January 1, 1970. January 1, 2000 was just a fire drill. January 19, 2038 is the Real Thing. The computers lots of people were so worried about back in 1999 couldn't have cared less about 1999 vs 2000, because Unix Epoch Time is how they REALLY keep track of dates. In 2038, the problems will be much, much worse than being forced to see dates like January 1, 19100.
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