I seem to have a strange phobia about my brother. Although he lives with me, he's usually up in his room or out with mates, and I'm used to that, but when he comes down and sits with us on the odd occasion, I seem to get all het up and want him out of the room. It's because I find him unpredictable. He gets mood swings, and never seems to be neutral - when he's happy he's irritating, and when he's sad he affects the whole atmosphere in the house (but it's not Bipolar, it's just the stupid way he is).
Also he makes loud sudden noises, like when he yawns he has to let out a really loud roar which disturbs me, and makes me feel agitated when he's in the room, and he's one of those people you can't win with. If you tell him you don't like it, he will do it more and call you stupid. If you don't react at all or don't say anything, he will still carry on and you've got to sit and endure it, which I find it hard to do because I like to tell people if something bothers me. And he always has some sort of silly excuse, like, ''well you always annoy us with your moaning or when you talk about your obsessions'', and it really irritates me.
This is why I get agitated with him around. I find him very unpredictable, and he's quick to judge you. And it's not because he's a sibling. Sibling or not, he would irritate me. He just has that type of personality what is quite abnormal (but he is not on the spectrum). Perhaps he's got some other condition what I don't know about.
Does anyone else have a phobia or strong irritation of someone?