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04 Jan 2012, 9:50 pm

Literally speaking of course, I have had it with people. Today several things occurred. I walked down the street to McDonalds early this afternoon to pick up lunch before heading to school to get books (I am in college). The cashier, some east indian woman, f*****g calls me a ret*d to the customer she's serving beside me because I'm socially awkward. Then I get some old guys pointing at me like I'm some sort of freak on display while I'm eating my greasy burger and fries. Afterwards, I head to school only to get more dirty looks by people, and then afterwards I head to EB Games to purchase a game I wanted, but on the way some guy stops in his car, rolls down his window and begins shouting insults at me (for a reason I probably understand. More on that later). And of course the cashier inside the store treats me like some sort of mentally restricted idiot, with the fake smile and everything.

And of course I probably know why they are doing this. Needless to say I am known around town, specifically because a) I walk around and travel quite a bit through the relatively small area, and b) I used to work at a VERY busy movie theatre for about a year and a half, which received people from all parts. Me being socially awkward of course didn't get the best reception by the guests. and I often came across as rude or uncaring, when of course I did care though had trouble showing it.

But that was 5 months ago, almost 6. I have had it people. I do not understand why people can't come to terms with someone who is even marginally different then the norm. For somebody in my position, this wouldn't be a problem. It's not like I talk or anything, for the most part I am quiet and mind my own business, but people seem to pick on my anxiety and social awkward issues. I do consider myself a pretty nice guy, and I've never really "done" anything to anyone. So my question is why can't people get over the past and leave me the f**k alone?


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05 Jan 2012, 12:32 am

There's the thing - by not speaking up they have no reason to stop. If you started just saying something really smart to them; not necessarily anything related to this, they might reconsider their opinions.

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05 Jan 2012, 3:19 am

What a bunch of dicks. The town you live in sounds horrible. I would've been fed up too. I have the urge to punch them in the face... The only way to feel better is to stand up for yourself. Speak your mind, fight back, don't let anyone treat you like that. If someone tells you s**t. do the same right back at them. As soon as you can, move the hell out of there.


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05 Jan 2012, 2:50 pm

Some people in this world can be so small minded and uncaring of other peoples right to be here on this planet it is sickening to me and I have had people say the most vile things to me and do things to me all because I am different-it is not fair-what did I do to anybody out there to deserve treatment like that.

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05 Jan 2012, 9:21 pm

I get this a lot it sucks, but I get through the day by reminding myself that at least im not them.


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05 Jan 2012, 9:26 pm

Tomorrow you should call that restaurant, ask for the manager and tell him exactly what the cashier said.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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06 Jan 2012, 12:20 am

^ all good advice just keep your head up and try and stay positive and dont let them get to you easier said than done i know but it helps. also maybe look at moving,a big step obviously but a fresh start might help.


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06 Jan 2012, 3:59 am

Hey thanks guys for the advice. I would really like to call that restaurant, but of course it's a McDonalds and I doubt they would take it very seriously. Also, about moving, I wish I could but I'm a poor college student working a very lousy part time job that doesn't pay much. So, unfortunately the possibility of moving out is sort of slim right now. I'll see what happens this summer when I have four months off though, things could change.


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09 Jan 2012, 1:49 pm

The next time you see that cashier, you should tell her your IQ and the college or university that you graduated from or that you're attending now.

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