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04 Feb 2012, 4:24 pm

I'm a vegetarian, but mostly for health reasons. I don't always feel well after eating meat, which is the primary reason for taking it out of my diet.

My grandparents lied to me about meat being in one dish they made. I hoped that it was an honest mistake, though I think they knew about it and didn't tell me. It happened again today.

I started crying and freaking out because before these two incidences, I didn't knowingly eat meat for a year. I get afraid that I'll feel ill, and also personal reasons.

Am I overreacting? I feel like they don't care about me and how I feel. I'm staying with them right now, but I don't trust them. How should I handle this?



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04 Feb 2012, 4:40 pm

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04 Feb 2012, 4:44 pm

can you cook your own food? that would prove you're serious and protect you.


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04 Feb 2012, 5:03 pm

Yes, I can. I'm just afraid they'll lie to me about other things.

I have been trying to eat on my own, but then they tell me there's no meat and that I can eat it. I don't get why they think it is a good idea to lie (if they think I'm too thin and need more food, for example)



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04 Feb 2012, 7:45 pm

They probably thought it was silly that you were a vegetarian and that it didn't really matter that there was meat in it. Was it actual meat that you could run across while you were eating it or was it like vegetables that had fatback in the water when they were cooked? If it was something like stew or soup that had meat in it and they gave you a serving without meat, or even vegetables that were cooked with meat in the water but they made sure that there wasn't any meat in your serving, they may actually think that is what you meant. That you didn't want to eat the actual meat. They may not have thought that something being cooked with meat would be something that a vegetarian wouldn't eat, as long as they weren't served the actual meat.

What was the dish?

ETA: They probably weren't trying to hurt you or betray you, they probably thought they were doing the right thing. I doubt they meant to violate your trust. To them it may be the same as when you mix medicine into a young childs pudding or something when he won't take it on it's own. I'm sorry you are upset over it. I don't think this would mean that you couldn't trust them with something major though. Parents and grandparents usually tend to do what they think is right for you, even if it's not what you think. (Unless they have borderline personality disorder like my mother) It's usually done with the best intentions and with love.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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04 Feb 2012, 7:53 pm

When it comes to meat in food, no you're not overreacting. Someone who's not eaten meat for a year is rather likely to have bad side effects to eating too much meat.

However, I don't think they were trying to hurt you or betray you, I think they just didn't understand what it means to be vegetarian.