purchase wrote:
Ahh! It's not impossible, otherwise there would be no video games!
This may not answer the issue right away but a lot of time spent doing what looks like nothing can be a way of gathering information on a thing and mentally processing it. Since he wants to make video games it makes sense he'd be spending a lot of time playing them.
Hmm. I mean that doesn't produce money in the meantime, no. Does he like physical (board) games? Maybe he would be interested in trying to find a job as a chess tutor or something like that in the meantime. I have seen so many job ads seeking chess tutors I can't believe it.
He plays chess, yes. I don't know about being a tutor. He's not really patient with people. He's shy and antisocial.
I meant impossible as in you have to know someone to get into the industry. It's really niche too. So it's difficult. Especially since he hasn't really tried developing anything on his own. His skills have gotten really rusty, which is why he has no confidence in his abilities. Honestly, I'm just trying to get him to apply for IT and data processing positions just to have something remotely related to his degree and to pay the bills.
I think he's playing games more to avoid his responsibility more than to boost his career chances.