I always get incredibly bored during the holidays. It's the time which always makes me realize how little of a social life I really have. When I'm in class (I'm in university) I talk to a few people and I usually don't feel that lonely, even though I rarely take part in activities outside of classes. I don't have any real friends there, a few good acquaintances but I never really get much further than that in socializing. This means that during the holidays I usually have to find ways to entertain myself. I enjoy reading and watching tv, listening to music so I get by the first days of holiday but after a while I get so lonely I start feeling a little depressed (I used to suffer from severe depression and I take meds for it but during times like these it's still pretty hard for me) and I can no longer enjoy those activities. Yes, I know I should try to make friends (I definitely enjoy social contact, I'm just not very good at it) but that's not really an option during vacation.
Do any of you recognize this problem? How do you deal with it?