I too have a hard time narrowing my interests down to one thing. This causes problems in that it's hard to follow a single career and get really good at that one thing. On the other hand, since I easily switch from one interest to another, I am very flexible in my job and when one kind of work isn't needed, I just switch to another. The result is I don't get laid off because I am not needed.
What I find frustrating about this approach is that I am a jack of all trades and a master of none. I'm a pretty good photographer. I can write well if I apply myself. I have a good general knowledge of many aspects of computer graphics and can do a little bit of everything in the field. But I don't stand out as really exceptional in any of these areas. If I could simply narrow my interests and work hard at only one subject, I could probably become quite good. But I get bored or frustrated and I wander off to do something entirely different on a regular basis.
My guess is that this is just a deep part of our personalities and I don't have much hope that it can be changed. The best approach is to try to find a way to make this approach to different interests work for you. In my case, I work for a very small company that doesn't need a full time computer animator but has a use for someone who can do some computer animation, some photography, some photo retouching, some web design etc. I am sometimes criticized for not being as good as others in any particular field, but there are very few people who have the range of skills I have. I think that's how you have to promote yourself when looking for work. And you should think about how you can integrate your numerous interests into a kind of work that brings together different fields of study rather than becoming an expert at a single field.
And in answer to The_Perfect_Storm, here is the wikipedia definition
An existential crisis is a stage of development at which an individual questions the very foundations of his or her life: whether his or her life has any meaning, purpose or value. This issue of the meaning and purpose of existence is the topic of the philosophical school of existentialism.
Never let the weeds get higher than the garden,
Always keep a sapphire in your mind.
(Tom Waits "Get Behind the Mule")