Simple things seem to drive me up the wall

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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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14 Mar 2012, 11:39 am

First off, apologies if I don't post here often these days. I've got a lot of other stuff on my mind, and, on several occasions, a selected few members of the community have irked me greatly in the past. Nevertheless...

Does anyone often have adverse reactions to law-breaking, or someone abusing trust?
Let me explain. There have been two events that have completely driven me up the wall for the past month or so, which I just can't get over the way I usually absorb all the trouble thrown at me. The obvious one first: I found my shelf on the fridge shared in the flat completely empty. Well, no, not empty: the packaging of the ham and chorizo were still there. The contents of it, however... gone and probably won't be seen again. I had a panic attack shortly after finding this out, and am still shaken quite badly by that.
The slightly less obvious one: jumped a red light by accident (the red light was on the edge of a very green roundabout, and was obscured by trees until you got there. Pitch darkness, saw it too late to brake, went through - the road was completely empty, thankfully. I've had nearly two weeks of "I'll just go hand myself in, I'm a horrible person" along with thoughts of repulsion along those lines.

Is this a common occurence, or is it just me not being able to deal with the fact that most people don't play by the rules?


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14 Mar 2012, 12:06 pm

For me it is wen the toilet paper is not replaced if the roll is used up. I also ran a red light by accident (because the brake fluid was low, and my brakes did not engage), I pretty much fell apart when that happened. If a road is blocked on the route I take (even though I know how to avoid the close road easily) I have great deal of anxiety.

Sea Gull
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14 Mar 2012, 12:12 pm

I ran a light two or three years ago, and still think about it. I was behind one of those huge trailer-trucks and didn't see that the light had turned until I had passed it. I'm pretty sure I got captured by a red-light camera, but that the people reviewing it saw that I couldn't see the light.
However, I'm still waiting for the long-lost ticket to be mailed to me.


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14 Mar 2012, 12:54 pm

Many people will run red lights if it's late at night and there is absolutely no traffic and the intersection is clear in all directions and they can see that. Also, if there is no cop sitting there watching.

It's honestly not that big a crime to run a red light, or go through a stop sign at a rolling stop. Running a red light is something a cop can't ignore so they have to give you a ticket or warning then, but a rolling stop is ignored by them unless they just want to pull you over and it's an excuse, like not using a turn signal, etc.

If you were to turn yourself in for running a red light, the cops would most likely laugh, think you were crazy, and just say "Well, don't do it again".

Rule breaking doesn't bother me at all, unless it's done by someone who is very self righteous about how others follow the rules. Then I'll be on it like white on rice.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA. ;-)

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14 Mar 2012, 1:24 pm

I had a friend who would protect his food in the house he shared by mixing in a whole lot of raw onions to tuna, etc. It kept all the room mates from eating it very effectively.