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02 Jun 2012, 6:34 pm

I've got an issue that's come up recently and I'd like to get some input from others.

I've recently finished a MA program in anthropology and am considering my options for continuing for a PhD. The thing is, although I love the research and writing, and truly enjoy teaching when I'm asked to do so and have time to prepare, I'm starting to question whether I'm really cut out for a career in academe. Part of the issue is the go-go-go pace that I see around me -- I know for a fact that I'm not cut out for that, and if I try to match it, I'll end up crashed or worse. I can't just produce on demand and certainly not with someone breathing down my neck. The thing is, what I consider too much pressure is what others might consider just enough or even a light touch.

I'm not sure what to do, although lately I've been daydreaming about taking my research and doing something artistic with it instead of pushing for the doctoral level. I can still play in the dirt and publish research with an MA degree, after all, and will have less performance stress. I just hate the idea of disappointing the people who have supported me so far.


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02 Jun 2012, 7:01 pm

Fascinating. You've gotta admit - it's nice to have choices! Seems like you've accomplished quite a lot in life. Isn't that funny how it works out? You spend a good chunk of your life dreaming of the perfect career, and when it does come along, it's like career from hell. Not to digress, but I think about the opera composer Rossini, the Italian Mozart. Wrote extremely popular operas and overtures, was loved by many, made a fortune performing for kings and queens, then at 31 decided to walk away (!) from it all and become - a chef! He was turned off by the excesses of his own success and wanted a simpler life. Is this your dilemma?


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02 Jun 2012, 7:52 pm

That could be part of it. I'm not really thrilled with the level of nastiness that sometimes appears.

Mostly, though, I'm worried about trying to move at a pace that keeps me engaged and at a comfortable stress level while managing a very demanding career. I'm not sure the academy -- in general, not any one part in particular -- will be willing to accommodate my need for a more steady and peaceful pace.


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02 Jun 2012, 8:15 pm

Better to be a happy MA, than an unhappy PhD. Most people on the spectrum seem to not do well in higher paced environments. Based on what you've said, this fits you, so you would most likely be unhappy in the high paced academic environment. Picking a career isn't supposed to be about picking the highest level you might be able to achieve, or the highest salary. It's supposed to be about finding a job that is a good fit for your abilities, and that also is one you will like doing.

As for disappointing others, it's your life, and you are the one who has to live it. Besides, they aren't going to be disappointed in you finding the work type and level you will most like doing. Just tell anyone who questions your decision, that you don't want to work in such a high paced and stressful environment, as you would experience in the academic world. The world would be a better place if more people sought out less stressful work.

Remember, such decisions are not engraved in stone. If you try something and don't care for it, you can always try something else.

What ever you decide, good luck!

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau


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04 Jun 2012, 6:33 pm

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