I'm ever so depressed. I'm crying right now. I've been crying on and off all day. Maybe my depression has come back because it's Easter week-end and so I'm all out of routine, I don't know. I've practically spent 4 long afternoons sitting alone in my room, so of course I've been thinking a lot more, and all these horrible depressed thoughts have come into my head.
I know I hate to say this, but I've decided I hate my cousins for being neurotypicals and all have a crowd of mates they go out with and I don't. And I find it so difficult to say no to people, it's that difficult, and so I have to make up lies all the time because I find it's easier than saying no, but then I end up having to cover up the first lie with another lie until I find myself in deep s**t and having to think up long stories in order to clear myself. And I don't like lying to my friends, but I don't like saying no either. I know we could go on and on forever saying ''if they get the hump then they weren't friends in the first place'' because that does not seem to work on me. I find a lot of people are so sensitive like that, whether they're nice or not. They don't mean to be like it, it's just the way they are. People who don't get the hump when you say no are only very few and far between, and those are the ones who are also mugs who would put up with anything, so getting funny over a disagreement is just their way of saying ''I'm not going to be a mug, I'm going to say how I feel.'' Trust me, it's true.
I just wish I knew how to be assertive and soft at the same time. With someone like me, I'm either assertive and stubborn and looking like I'm being selfish, or I'm soft and timid and look like I'm easily led and will put up with anything. And I hate being like it. I just don't know how to balance the two out. I hate myself and the way I am.
So depressed. I don't want to go to the job centre tomorrow, getting on a bus what I don't even like getting, and going to somewhere where I hate going, in a busy city with lots of people staring at me and making me feel insufficient like I shouldn't be there. I just want to stay in my local town and just leisurely do what I want to do and be somewhere where I feel secure and accepted. That's all I want.