Mike1 wrote:
I woke up in the morning with a cold, I had some more homework piled on to my already large stack, and the picture on my computer monitor started being all messed up this afternoon. I can barely see what I'm typing on the flickering screen. I bought 8 ounces of .7 vodka off of my friend after that happened. I've never drank more alcohol than a few sips of wine before, but life has been stressing me out and I've been thinking about starting drinking. My friend said it would calm me down. For the last couple of months every week has been tragic for me.
When you find someone who's life has been significantly improved by the excessive, or moderately excessive intake of alcohol, who
doesn't own a vinyard or alcohol production facility, let us all know, because that would likely be the only person in the world for whom alcohol has had that effect.