I posted a little while ago about my brother stealing the family inheritance, but things have gotten worse. None of my siblings have even bothered to reply to my emails about the theft. I greatly fear that they are all blaming me. In case you think I am just paranoid, I have always been the scapegoat in my family. And, while I knew that my family was dysfunctional, this surpasses anything that they have done that hurt me deeply.
You would think that after learning of this, someone would email me wanting to know all the particulars, but instead they are just ignoring me. I have never felt so isolated and alone. I spent an entire night crying, as I realized that this was the end. I can't keep reaching out to people who are this f****d up, and not expect to get hurt every time. I was trying to do something nice for everyone. My brother, who stole the money has always been a favorite. I even wonder if he lied and told them that I was the thief. They would believe him in a heartbeat, because he was the favorite. My heart is broken. I wish I could stop grieving about this and move on, but it is impossible thus far.
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner