One of the things I treasure most is someone who is not pissed off about something.
I've witnessed a great deal of hatred in my life, particularly between the sexes and special interest groups.
I am very lucky to have the life I have, so I'm not angry or offended. I also try not to take many forms of hatred too seriously.
But, sometimes I just get tired. Just... Tired.
I want to meet someone who is genuinely happy with life. Who can look at their problems and see them as fleeting, who can acknowledge negativity without being burdened by it.
To branch off of this context, have you ever had days where you felt like good relationships are not meant to last? Or that the egocentric side of humanity prevents any real sustainable sense of love or unity? Or that the person you are talking to just won't... stop... complaining?
"Sex, streams, friends accessing private members... Either I am just discovering unintentional innuendo or Stroustrup is a pervert."