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13 Nov 2006, 11:23 pm

i'm not sure if aspies are suppose to have good memories or not but mine is slowly dieing.

there are things that i should remember but i don't, i noticed that when some friends of ours came down everyone else remembered them but they were not much more then strangers to me. and these people i practicly grew up with but i don't remember nothing, not a thing the only memories are what i see on home videos, even that i question.

heck half of my own childhood, no not half more like most is gone, the only memories that i know of were mainly just bits and pieces and most aren't good.

i've also been noticing that my mind goes blank more often and i've been playing a game on marapets a memory game and i know all the pics on the cards but when i play it i can look at the location of a pic about 10 times and when i find the match i have to go searching because i forgot.

i think torch 2\3\story in my head\whatever you want to call it is the cause, i use my about 80% of my memory to remember as much as i can about it.

1. location of worlds in the torch 2 universe.
2. what characters live where, who is in there, ages, genders, backstories, whoes done what, went where, personalities, voice tones, who is bio genetic, who is human, who is robotic, whos related to who, passions, obsessions, i think you get it.
even that list is a little overwhelming and that's not the whole thing. but as destructive as this thing is to my memories i refuse to give it up, i just realized i'm addicted and part of me likes it, the other half feels i've let so many down by forgeting them.

ufortunetly that side of me is overun by my "i don't care about anyone and i find death very amusing" side also i find cursing hillarious.

also i find that not a damn thing can outdo my xemnas obsession, and i'm starting to lose my hellsing crack i was on for a little while there. this offically the most powerful obsession i've had yet.

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13 Nov 2006, 11:40 pm

Lack of REM sleep can wreck your memory. Do you sleep well? Insomnia? Apnea?


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13 Nov 2006, 11:44 pm

no i don't sleep well even after taking two tylonel nightime and a sleeping pill. i usually get up like 3 to 4 times each night. i'm not sure what causes it though.

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14 Nov 2006, 12:44 am

You may want to get that tested. I have some memory issues myself that I wound up having evaluated and they turned out to be a disorder of some sort. Your memory sounds significantly worse than mine in some respects, so it may be a legitimate cause for concern. Even if it turns out to be nothing, or just a lack of sleep, it couldn't hurt to have someone check it out. Maybe there is something you can do to shore your memory up a little bit.

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14 Nov 2006, 12:52 am

My bro forgot *everything* - including a house that he had owned! Then his wife made him go to a sleep clinic. He had severe sleep apnea. They gave him a gizmo to sleep with and now he sleeps like a baby and remembers everything.

Getting that tested might be good. I don't know if you need referral from a doc. It seems to me I've seen sleep clinics in the phone book.


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14 Nov 2006, 2:30 am

I've been sleeping say 4-5 hours (MAX) a night for around 6 months, my bodies gotten used to it, my memory totally fails me in terms of money, family etc.. But it never ceases to get stronger in terms of music..

The scary part for me was I was suddenly unable to spell words I usually take for granted, once this begun to happen I begun to work out ways to sleep.

For me and I'm sure some others, medication won't work, it comes down to either over-exerting yourself or making sure you somehow resolve the seemingly unending torrent of thoughts before attempting sleep.

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14 Nov 2006, 5:43 am

My memory has gone downhill ever since I tried Lamictal, (stopped after 3 months) but know I can't remember some facts, films I've watched various events.


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14 Nov 2006, 11:24 am

i think i've just about told every doctor i've been to about my sleep problems but none have done anything to help.

i tell my mom about my memory problems and she says "it happens to everyone" i'm not bothering with my dad, he says that most of my symptoms from aspergers are basicly fake and believes that it only affects my socialization everything else is me being rude, strong-willed, or ignorant.

i'm not sure who to tell now i can't count on anyone.

my mom says my story is taxing my brain, and i have no idea what that means.

there are also times i'm up in the air about my age i keep wondering if i'm 18 or 19 sometime.

amazingly if i think hard enough i can remember the commercials for gameboy the orginal which was created the same year i was born. i can't tell you what it was off the top of my head i was to young, but the gameboy poket one was the gameboys we're going down an assembly line and getting smashed down to size at the end, if you don't believe me find it and watch it.

but i don't remember anything about my life.

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14 Nov 2006, 11:34 am

ok i'm mistaken the gameboy was made in 89, further prof my memory is going.

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14 Nov 2006, 11:55 am

I myself just got diagnosed with brain trauma that connects to memory problems. Fortunately, there is apparently some things (I have a list) of things that can help. I don't know about memory and sleep. I have never been good with sleep and have to take medication.

Scintillate wrote:
The scary part for me was I was suddenly unable to spell words I usually take for granted

This happens to me all the time. Although I am not trying to suggest memory problems automatically equals brain trauma. I found my info out via a SPECT scan.


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14 Nov 2006, 1:29 pm

brain trama? never heard of that sounds nasty though.

i'm not sure what's wrong with me but after i found out i am an aspie i find that i really don't seem to really know myself anymore, like i'm a different person or something.

which was the whole reason behind my two idenities in torch 2 D.C. and jetfox.

jet is who i used to be and D.C. is who i am now.

both have an almost night and day personality difference, and there might be a huge fight bettween them.

i'm not sure what these two have to do with anything more like the conflict of light and dark in my mind.

maybe i gave up my memory at one point without being aware of it, because i hate who i used to be and i long to kill that person so bad.

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15 Nov 2006, 5:12 pm

I am 43 and have always had what I thought were memory problems.Learning about AS,I now wonder if I wasnt just "spacing out"do to overstimulation.I could never "find" my shoes,etc, because I couldnt remember taking them off.This has gotten much worse with age,but evidently a lot more older people have memory problems,so I seem more normal.

Do you,have you taken medication?I have been on Effexor for 4 years and my memory has regressed in that time.I am wondering if their is a connection.Perhaps part of the way it works is by making it hard to remember past pains and ruminating on them.(similiar to shock treatment?)I do still have some very vivid memory snap shots of important events(finding a cool rock,being yelled at)but the emotional intensity isnt there anymore(which is a good thing.It's the day to day "responsibilities" that I hate forgetting.Calling to make apointments,etc.The more stressful the task is the easier it is to forget.
I try and keep lists and write things down but then often lose the lists and forget I had a list.

I have been planning on getting checked out for sleep apnea for several years but keep putting it off.(how fun can that be....maybe they will let my boyfriend come ,also...or my cat...)

I dont know whats causing my issues or yours but I would recommend keeping journals or memory sheets of the things you want to remember.Maybe self-hypnosis could help with recovering memories...but as your past sounds as unpleasant to remember as mine...perhaps it is better to forget?

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15 Nov 2006, 5:47 pm

Maybe we just need to find either your Nobody, or Namine...... :D

I've had the same problems myself, although I think it's due to a hangover from my once-major obsession of Doctor Who. I can remember so much about that, yet very little factual information about experiences, just the feelings.

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15 Nov 2006, 11:17 pm

yeah maybe i should find namine. :)

anyway i think i have something like that since the only thing i think about and am always around is kingdom hearts or final fantasy, maybe the lack of any interest in my own life is the cause of this though i can't be entirely sure.

if so then all things considered i'm doing just fine.

xem: then what about the letting people down quote.
huh, i probably should work on somethings.

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16 Nov 2006, 8:43 am

jimservo wrote:
I myself just got diagnosed with brain trauma that connects to memory problems. Fortunately, there is apparently some things (I have a list) of things that can help. I don't know about memory and sleep. I have never been good with sleep and have to take medication.

Scintillate wrote:
The scary part for me was I was suddenly unable to spell words I usually take for granted

This happens to me all the time. Although I am not trying to suggest memory problems automatically equals brain trauma. I found my info out via a SPECT scan.

Hmmn.. Well the only head trauma I know of is banging my head into walls and such..

SPECT scan? Where did you do one of these?

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20 Nov 2006, 1:52 pm

I don't know what kind of dr's you have been to so far. My husband was diagnosed with sleep apnea after going to a few dr's for the same thing. No one could figure it out. Then his shrink sent him to a neurologist who asked him a bunch of questions and referred him to a sleep center. Even if you don't have sleep apnea, getting up 3 or 4 times per night isn't normal and could mess up your memory due to lack of REM sleep.