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17 Jul 2012, 5:04 am

i apolgise in advance for what's going to be another one of my self pittying rants. but ive got no one to talk to.

i love you guys

R x

I feel worse than i have in a very , very long time

I can hear the voices agian.

Im seeing things other people say arnt there

I feel like a worthless , fat disgusting waste of f*****g space :( 89 kgs f**k!! !! !! )

MY Thoats sore form pruging. starved for days then ate everything in the house had to get rid of it

my arm is covered in pathetic little cuts, i just want to slice the whole thing off.

ive been so f****d off my face for the last 3 nights on prozac and vodka i barely know what day of the week it is ( last thing i remembr last night is giving my number to a creepy asian guy i met on the beach who cant speak english) which i know isnt helping but i dont care anymore. i was dry foa a couple of weeks and now ive f****d it but who cares.

I cant go on like this, dont know what to do.

rang my cpn but she hasnt called back, all my "mates" dont give a s**t, and my gf is so caught up in silly little dramas with her ex she isnt even botherd about me , or anyone else.

what do i ????

i love you all


<3 grayson George Urry <3 05/10/2011
love you always my beautiful boy xxxx


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17 Jul 2012, 5:16 am

OK so you are hearing voices and seeing things, you are clearly in a serious situation. I think you should try phoning your GP surgery and ask for an emergency appointment. Failing that, you should call NHS 24 and see if they can arrange help. As a last resort, you should go to A&E - active psychosis and self harm is an emergency, or should be seen as such.

I'm sorry you are having such a horrible time, I hope things get better for you.


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17 Jul 2012, 8:00 am

Hearing voices might be a sign of temporal lobe epilepsy. :idea:


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17 Jul 2012, 8:10 am

Do you have a history of schizophrenia in your family? Have you ever taken psychedelic drugs?

We are not so different from potted plants in that, if given everything we need to be properly nourished, the outcome can be incredibly contrary to when we are not. A flower won't grow in flour, and neither can we.


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17 Jul 2012, 1:16 pm

Go to the nearest mental health facility and do it NOW!! ! You need professional help to deal with this. The people around you will not be able to help you and will probably be overwhelmed with the situation if they tried.

Uncertain of diagnosis, either ADHD or Aspergers.
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23 Jul 2012, 11:06 am

hey guys x

feeling a little better today. Everything has quitend down a little ,but its all still there.

( i have biploer and BPD,, the drs havent said anything about spozphina but there is a history of pyscotic illness in my famnily- tho only on the male side, should i still inquire about an assesment? )

im getting into theapy and having my med levels bumped up a little so hopfully that shou;d help a little bit.

going to see if me and gf can go away somewhere for a couple of days, think some quiet time may help.

Does anyone know of anywhere thats nice this time of year?

i love you all . thanks so much for your help

god bless you all

rox <3

<3 grayson George Urry <3 05/10/2011
love you always my beautiful boy xxxx


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23 Jul 2012, 11:15 am

Probably you should have an assessment... thus it's peace of mind.

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24 Jul 2012, 10:10 am

Sweet Pea hugsImage

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