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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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26 Jul 2012, 6:56 am

The last few days I have been thinking about my past.
especially my communication with other people.

why did nobody tell me certain things?

like it is inappropiate to randomly approach women? when my dad said: search a girlfriend!
and I became known as that weird stalker at school? (and that stupid stuff hollywood taught me about, love, sex, and romance?)
I hate the movie American Pie, because it gave a wrong message towards me.

getting all information of life by television?
I saw once something about sex, and I wasn't informed about it before?

walking around with certain medical conditions for more than a year, cause I couldn't ask anyone?

you can't trust all people? like those men at school, saying: you're our best friend, and tricked me in doing certain things?

people thinking I am dumb, and thought I couldn't speak?

my life is much better at the moment, I finally got people around me I trust, and share my thoughts and worries with... (including my parents)
I just hoped, they were around before. (they were, but I didn't see it)

(some people were worried about me before, and tried to talk with me, I didn't answer them, or told them just random stuff, and nothing about my inner self)
I was actually lucky, I got some contact with (good) people at school. but not knowing how to handle it.

I contacted some of them on facebook, most of them were willing to talk to me... (what makes me kind of glad)

people always say I am nice, calm, a good listener (and weird :P ): but most of them know that sharing certain stuff with me can make me upset.

I like my gift for remembering and seeing details nobody sees.
(people ask, where do you get your information?)
and playing the little mythbuster, which is not always the good thing to do :wink:


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26 Jul 2012, 9:11 am

Nobody told me a lot of stuff either, and I've had communication issues. I was kind of raised by TV and books, because my mom, who I don't think was NT, had to raise me alone--literally. She had no friends and her family kind of cut her off because I was born out of wedlock (I'm a little old). She wasn't much of a talker unless you were talking about opera, so we didn't have the kind of conversations that most parents have with their children. So nobody told me anything about life because there wasn't anyone TO tell me.


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26 Jul 2012, 10:10 am

kudujongen wrote:
why did nobody tell me certain things?
getting all information of life by television?

I feel the same way, getting raised by television. This tv show was fun to watch when I was younger, I wonder if I do watch it again, I can spot Aspie traits in the main character.. ( )

It sure is annoying that nobody would take the time to sit us down to explain certain things to us. But then again, to their defense, they didn't know we didn't know, most of the times.

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26 Jul 2012, 6:47 pm

There's lot's of reasons why people don't explain things. Probably one of the most common would be because it is common "courtesy" in society to not explain some things out too much, especially when you don't know the person well enough.

They would be afraid you would take something offensively if they were outright honest, and unfortunately, they are probably right, NT or not. Maybe the people/person cannot think of what needs to be explained. Maybe it should be intuitive for you or them and takes too much energy and time out of someone. There's no way someone can tell you everything you need to know.

Don't obsess on this too much because you could end up being mad at the world for a long time. Just expect that you may be able to get information in bits and pieces and that we have to try to coexist. I really don't want to say put the pieces "together" because I feel like I'd be supporting a certain place that try to cure autism and not care about us as human beings.