I'm copying my situation from a recent blog post of mine:
Firstly, before I give these tips, let me say that I am coming from the perspective of someone with no social support. I broke contact with my family before I even left medical practice, but I wouldn't ask them for financial help anyway because they see money as a means to control people. I'm not married, nor am I in a relationship (mostly due to my autistic spectrum disorder) and there is no hope of me getting into one any time soon. I don't have a network of friends either - although I did manage to borrow money from two people during this time whom I used to work with (very small amounts, and just to cover my phone bill, because without internet I cannot work). The bank will not loan me any money because I am working freelance, and although I managed to apply for an overdraft, it has already been rejected and I will probably be handed over to the bank's legal department because they are concerned about whether I will be able to pay it back. I also had to eat my way through all my savings just when the crisis started, so there were no additional reserves. On the other hand, I'm also a big risk taker, and I have damn strong self-belief, so I rarely believe there is anything that I cannot do (don't ask my why - that didn't come from my parents, family or old friends). I have no additional sources of income - I made some beaded jewellery last year and made some money from that, but this year, when I tried, most of it was stolen, and the person I handed over to do the sales got into trouble for trying to sell them, so nothing has come of that.
The financial situation is very, very bad and I just need some encouragement - have you been through similar financial difficulties? Can you maybe just offer words of comfort or support? It would be really appreciated. I'm currently waiting for payment to come through so I can pay my rent, but it is taking so long... I agreed to pay the landlord late on the 15th, but it might only come through on the 17th and I know he and everyone else that I can't pay this month is going to yell at me and thinking about it just makes me cry.