spacedog wrote:
thank you everyone... for taking the time to post. I am going to make the best of the time we have left together.
That's a good resolution for anyone to make, and sometimes it takes serious illness or a 'near miss' to alert us to the fragility of life. I don't know about others posting here, but I have no idea of how old your mother might be.
Although cancer is still a serious condition, the good news health-wise has been the extending of life expectation for most forms of the disease, The way statistics are presented can make it sound like many more people have cancer than in times past: what they actually mean is that more people with cancer are living much longer than they might once have done.
So what I'm saying is that unless your mother is very elderly, and/or suffering from what looks like the last stages of serious illness, don't give up on her yet, not least in the absence of a clear diagnosis showing a cancer too advanced to be treated. All the best!