I'm about to smoke weed again

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30 Nov 2006, 5:17 am

I don't know what to do! Help me! It's so relaxing, but I know I'm psychotic and that I shouldn't be doing it. But I have such little hope for my future. I just want to have fun.

Sixteen essays so far.

Like a drop of blood in a tank of flesh-eating piranhas, a new idea never fails to arouse the wrath of herd prejudice.


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30 Nov 2006, 5:53 am

I read that pot has far more tar than tobacco and that smoking it destroy a large percent of the THC. Some people use an electric vaporizer that has a preset max temperture optimized for THC vaporization. Which means if you smoke alot an electric
vaporizer is a wise investment in that it would reduce the amount of pot needed and the tar in ones lungs.


The above links list a number of vaporizer salers. Though you should check on your
local laws before ordering and do not you pot in them unless you can legalily do so.


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30 Nov 2006, 9:19 am

Pot smoking is the complete and most effective chemical castration there is.

Once past the blood-brain barrier, pot chemicals take over the nervous terminals if they are empty. Since pot stimulates gene-expression, the terminals will empty fast. Once trapped in the nervous terminals, the pot chemicals are stuck forever because the blood-brain barrier cannot dilate enough to let the over-sized chemicals seep out and into the bloodstream to be excreted through urine or sweated out.
When your neurotransmitters are burned down, you will feel like a zombie just like I do every day. I made the mistake of making pot a habit... I will regret that for the rest of my life.

Liver enzyme P450 is essential for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and hormones. Pot destroys P450, and whitout any neurotransmitters, the testes or pituitary cannot produce testosterone. You will experience watery(prostate fluid) ejaculation until your testicular function is shut down forever. Then, you are impotent forever(like me).

One of the most frustrating disorders caused by pot smoking is the N-methyl transferase gene expression disorder.
It causes high amounts of your dopamine to be converted to epinephrine or nor-epinephrine which are stress hormones. You will then experience frequent panic attacks.

So when you still have some life left, stop the self-destructive practise.


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30 Nov 2006, 9:24 am

Without sounding parental, habitual smoking of pot will have effects on your personality. I know a guy from when we went to high school, over thirty years ago, that has smoked pot almost every day. He's difficult to be around, and is almost totally self-focussed. He was a lousy dad, and husband. It changes your ability to accomplish things, and is far more insidious than booze. Smoking a little now and then is no big deal. But every day will harm you.

I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. I feel my fate in what I cannot fear. I learn by going where I have to go. ~Theodore Roethke


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30 Nov 2006, 9:38 am

Revenant wrote:
Pot smoking is the complete and most effective chemical castration there is.

Once past the blood-brain barrier, pot chemicals take over the nervous terminals if they are empty. Since pot stimulates gene-expression, the terminals will empty fast. Once trapped in the nervous terminals, the pot chemicals are stuck forever because the blood-brain barrier cannot dilate enough to let the over-sized chemicals seep out and into the bloodstream to be excreted through urine or sweated out.
When your neurotransmitters are burned down, you will feel like a zombie just like I do every day. I made the mistake of making pot a habit... I will regret that for the rest of my life.

Liver enzyme P450 is essential for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and hormones. Pot destroys P450, and whitout any neurotransmitters, the testes or pituitary cannot produce testosterone. You will experience watery(prostate fluid) ejaculation until your testicular function is shut down forever. Then, you are impotent forever(like me).

One of the most frustrating disorders caused by pot smoking is the N-methyl transferase gene expression disorder.
It causes high amounts of your dopamine to be converted to epinephrine or nor-epinephrine which are stress hormones. You will then experience frequent panic attacks.

So when you still have some life left, stop the self-destructive practise.

I do not smoke pot myself or think people should. But if people do they should have
the facts not a 2006 version of "Refer Madness" how about you provide links to
studies backing up what you said?


This study says marijuana smoke has antiestrogenic effects.
: Arch Pharm Res. 2005 Dec;28(12):1365-75.
Antiestrogenic effects of marijuana smoke condensate and cannabinoid compounds.
Lee SY, Oh SM, Lee SK, Chung KH.

National Institute of Scientific Investigation, Seoul, Korea.

The antiestrogenic effects of marijuana smoke condensate (MSC) and three major cannabinoids, ie., delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and cannabinol (CBN), were evaluated using in vitro bioassays, viz., the human breast cancer cell proliferation assay, the recombinant human estrogen receptor (ER) competitive binding assay, and the reporter gene assay. The inhibitory effects on estrogen were also examined using the ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) assay, the aromatase assay, and the 17beta-estradiol (E2) metabolism assay. The results showed that MSC induced the antiestrogenic effect via the ER-mediated pathway, while THC, CBD, and CBN did not have any antiestrogenic activity. This suggests that the combined effects of the marijuana smoke components are responsible for the antiestrogenicity of marijuana use. In addition, MSC induced the CYP1A activity and the E2 metabolism, but inhibited the aromatase activity, suggesting that the antiestrogenic activity of MSC is also related to the indirect ER-dependent pathway, as a result of the depletion of the in situ E2 level available to bind to the ER. In conclusion, pyrogenic products including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the non-polar fraction, which is the most biologically active fraction among the seven fractions of MSC, might be responsible for the antiestrogenic effect.

PMID: 16392670 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Study shows THC is antiestrogenic itself.
Steroids. 1991 Feb;56(2):97-102.
delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol antagonism of the anterior pituitary response to estradiol in immature female rats.
Murphy LL, Rodriguez de Fonseca F, Steger RW.

Department of Physiology, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Carbondale 62901-6512.

The potential estrogenicity or antiestrogenicity of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the chief psychoactive constituent of marijuana, was evaluated in immature female rats treated for 3 days with estradiol (E2; 1 microgram/kg), THC (10 mg/kg body weight), or E2 + THC. Estradiol treatment significantly increased anterior pituitary, uterine, and oviduct weights. When THC was administered with E2, it prevented the E2-induced increase in pituitary weight, but had no effect on either the uterine or oviduct weight response to E2. In the E2 treatment group, basal prolactin levels were increased and a prolactin surge occurred on the afternoon of the 26th day of age. However, E2-stimulated basal and surge levels of prolactin were significantly attenuated by concomitant THC treatment. Moreover, pituitary prolactin concentrations, which were elevated in E2-treated rats, did not differ from control values in E2 + THC-treated animals. The E2-induced decrease in dopamine turnover rates in the medial basal hypothalamus and increase in the number of anterior pituitary dopamine D2-binding sites (Bmax) were not affected by concomitant THC treatment. Thus, THC antagonizes E2 action on the anterior pituitary via yet to be elucidated mechanism(s).

PMID: 1850566 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Yeah do not forget the evil substance grapefruit is a P450 inhibitor. In the State of
Florida you making a claim that a product like grapefruit could cause " impotent forever" could get you a major fine.
J Clin Pharmacol. 2006 Dec;46(12):1390-416.
Grapefruit-drug interactions: can interactions with drugs be avoided?
Mertens-Talcott SU, Zadezensky I, De Castro WV, Derendorf H, Butterweck V.

Department of Pharmaceutics, Center for Food Drug Interaction Research and Education, JHMHC, POB 110494, Gainesville, FL 32610-0494; e-mail: [email protected].

Grapefruit is rich in flavonoids, which have been demonstrated to have a preventive influence on many chronic diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. However, since the early 1990s, the potential health benefits of grapefruit have been overshadowed by the possible risk of interactions between drugs and grapefruit and grapefruit juice. Several drugs interacting with grapefruit are known in different drug classes, such as HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, calcium antagonists, and immunosupressives. Currently known mechanisms of interaction include the inhibition of cytochrome P450 as a major mechanism, but potential interactions with P-glycoprotein and organic anion transporters have also been reported. This review is designed to provide a comprehensive summary of underlying mechanisms of interaction and human clinical trials performed in the area of grapefruit drug interactions and to point out possible replacements for drugs with a high potential for interactions.

PMID: 17101740 [PubMed - in process

Could not find N-methyl transferase gene expression disorder anywhere much less
related to THC.

Last edited by TheMachine1 on 30 Nov 2006, 10:30 am, edited 2 times in total.


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30 Nov 2006, 10:14 am

Prof_Pretorius wrote:
Without sounding parental, habitual smoking of pot will have effects on your personality. I know a guy from when we went to high school, over thirty years ago, that has smoked pot almost every day. He's difficult to be around, and is almost totally self-focussed. He was a lousy dad, and husband. It changes your ability to accomplish things, and is far more insidious than booze. Smoking a little now and then is no big deal. But every day will harm you.

explain self focused - everything revolved around him?


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30 Nov 2006, 10:26 am

Revenant wrote:
Pot smoking is the complete and most effective chemical castration there is.

Once past the blood-brain barrier, pot chemicals take over the nervous terminals if they are empty. Since pot stimulates gene-expression, the terminals will empty fast. Once trapped in the nervous terminals, the pot chemicals are stuck forever because the blood-brain barrier cannot dilate enough to let the over-sized chemicals seep out and into the bloodstream to be excreted through urine or sweated out.
When your neurotransmitters are burned down, you will feel like a zombie just like I do every day. I made the mistake of making pot a habit... I will regret that for the rest of my life.

Liver enzyme P450 is essential for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and hormones. Pot destroys P450, and whitout any neurotransmitters, the testes or pituitary cannot produce testosterone. You will experience watery(prostate fluid) ejaculation until your testicular function is shut down forever. Then, you are impotent forever(like me).

One of the most frustrating disorders caused by pot smoking is the N-methyl transferase gene expression disorder.
It causes high amounts of your dopamine to be converted to epinephrine or nor-epinephrine which are stress hormones. You will then experience frequent panic attacks.

So when you still have some life left, stop the self-destructive practise.


I assume "pot chemicals" refers to THC. I also assume anybody who actually knows anything about the subject would know this.

If these "pot chemicals" can get into the brain across the blood-brain barrier, how come they can't leave the brain the same way?

What's an empty nervous terminal? I never heard of an empty nervous terminal.

I don't see any possible connection between gene expression and what you are talking about. I never heard of a connection between pot and gene expression anyway. What does this mean?

Maybe pot reduces your interest in sex. It sure doesn't reduce mine or anybody else's I've heard of.

An awful lot of people find that pot reduces stress and smoke it for that reason.

Prof_Pretorius wrote:
Without sounding parental, habitual smoking of pot will have effects on your personality. I know a guy from when we went to high school, over thirty years ago, that has smoked pot almost every day. He's difficult to be around, and is almost totally self-focussed. He was a lousy dad, and husband. It changes your ability to accomplish things, and is far more insidious than booze. Smoking a little now and then is no big deal. But every day will harm you.

I would think a guy that calls himself professor would know something about sample size. Nobody knows how many people regularly smoke pot, maybe it's five or ten percent of the population. Anyway, it's well up into millions of people.

Saying "I know a guy" doesn't mean much. I've run into quite a few people who match that description. Some of them smoke weed, some of them don't.

I notice people use terms like "insidius" and "subtle" when there's not one shred of evidence to support what they're saying. This is in spite of the fact that pot has probably been studied more than any other chemical compound on the planet, studied on government grants where the experimenter is expected to come to the conclusion that pot is bad.

Lawyers start with a conclusion, then look at the evidence. Scientists aren't supposed to do this, except when they're paid by the government to research pot. They still can't find much wrong with it. If it's as bad as some people claim, everybody would know about it by now. It didn't take this much effort to identify the harm caused by alcohol and tobacco.

I'm not saying that pot is absolutely harmless. I don't know of anything that is.

They murdered boys in Mississippi. They shot Medgar in the back.
Did you say that wasn't proper? Did you march out on the track?
You were quiet, just like mice. And now you say that we're not nice.
Well thank you buddy for your advice...


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30 Nov 2006, 10:48 am

I do not smoke pot myself or think people should. But if people do they should have
the facts not a 2006 version of "Refer Madness" how about you provide links to
studies backing up what you said?

I posted clear evidence in a previous discussion about this subject, but people laughed it away and thought it was trivial.
So, I am just going to let everyone fry their neurotransmitters until they cry their eyes dry, wishing they never did it. People can be blatantly ignorant at times, refusing to accept anything not approved by "ZOMG AMERICAN SCIENTIST 1337 HAXOR DUED!!".

I assume "pot chemicals" refers to THC. I also assume anybody who actually knows anything about the subject would know this.

the term "pot chemicals" refers to all the chemicals in the pot smoke, not only the ultra-potent delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol.
Marijuana contains over 470 different chemicals, mostly derivants of THC which act in different ways. THC is therefore not alone responsible for producing the psychoactive effects. Cannabinoids mimic the action of neurotransmitters.
I have limited knowledge in this area, and I am not going to support my statement with evidence since I'm tired of being laughed at and not taken seriously.

Now, excuse me for acting offensive. Do not misinterpret it as being arrogant or offensive because thats not my intention.

Speaking from experience, I can say that pot has destroyed my body and brain. But of course, nobody wants to learn from the damage inflicted upon me so just go ahead: Fry your brains, destroy your pituitary-testicular axis and modulate your gene expression to induce N-methyl transferase for constant panic attacks and anxiety.

Not to mention insomnia and a myriad of other disorders...


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30 Nov 2006, 10:51 am

>>I'm not saying that pot is absolutely harmless. I don't know of anything that is.<<

But I think it's safe to say that not smoking weed is safer than smoking it, yeah? It's all about degrees.

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30 Nov 2006, 11:14 am

Revenant wrote:

I posted clear evidence in a previous discussion about this subject, but people laughed it away and thought it was trivial.
So, I am just going to let everyone fry their neurotransmitters until they cry their eyes dry, wishing they never did it. People can be blatantly ignorant at times, refusing to accept anything not approved by "ZOMG AMERICAN SCIENTIST 1337 HAXOR DUED!!".

Your posting this to "help" people but at the same time you say you want provide links
to studies because you fear being laugh at. So then because a few people laugh your
just going to "let everyone fry their neurotransmitters until they cry their eyes dry, wishing they never did it" So basically your not going to provide science and you have
no empathy for pot smokers who would like to hear the facts? Does the getting laugh
at have anything to do with the purple blood remark? How about you tone down your
anti-drug pseudoscience and tell people the simple honest truth you used a number of
drugs and have negative problems associated with there use that may or may not
apply to others.


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30 Nov 2006, 12:19 pm

The thing is, your confident that you "frying your brain" or whatever will apply to others - I'm, personally, stating that me - that does not apply. I've been extremely happy this year, 2006.

All I know is that for every person who feels like pot ruined their life, someone else states it didnt to theirs. To me, that tells me there are 2 types of people.

If you do not like pot, dont smoke it and tell others of why you didnt. I listen to your words but while I do, I try and think of reasons why our experiences would differ.

Ultimately, I think anyone who is interested in pot can read all our experiences and make the decision themselves, right? After all, we cannot force anyone to do anything. If people want to smoke pot, I'd prefer they hear the best way possible and do it with the utmost responsibility. Have fun with it for a bit but learn what its doing. Kids WILL smoke pot and the truth is, there is no proof is kills brain cells, in fact, I can paste a link here stating that it may actually promote neuron growth. These studies, I dont like studies too much. They are open. Postive, negative, for pot, against pot, etc.

Everyone's experience will differ but I am questioning, now, as to why.


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30 Nov 2006, 12:40 pm

Your posting this to "help" people but at the same time you say you want provide links
to studies because you fear being laugh at. So then because a few people laugh your
just going to "let everyone fry their neurotransmitters until they cry their eyes dry, wishing they never did it" So basically your not going to provide science and you have
no empathy for pot smokers who would like to hear the facts? Does the getting laugh
at have anything to do with the purple blood remark? How about you tone down your
anti-drug pseudoscience and tell people the simple honest truth you used a number of
drugs and have negative problems associated with there use that may or may not
apply to others.

If cutting my head open and putting my dead neurons under a magnifying scope is evidence, sure! But then I'd die for my cause and of course I won't do that.
I have absolutely empathy for pot smokers, otherwise I wouldn't care informing about the side effects...

The negative effects are caused by the pot chemicals. It is up to you if you want to take my advice. Warning people of the negative experience certainly makes me sleep better at night than keeping my mouth shut about what I'm going through because of a horrible drug. Pot smokers will generally have a good time until they burn out their neurotransmitter. Then, the pot chemicals take over the empty nervous terminals and the person is sold...

Those who want evidence can PM me. I don't want to post it here and get attacks as a result...

The thing is, your confident that you "frying your brain" or whatever will apply to others - I'm, personally, stating that me - that does not apply. I've been extremely happy this year, 2006.

Then you are lucky. You still have a good amount of neurotransmitters left and can choose to quit now for the sake of your life or to continue the self-destruction practise.

All I know is that for every person who feels like pot ruined their life, someone else states it didnt to theirs. To me, that tells me there are 2 types of people.

If you do not like pot, dont smoke it and tell others of why you didnt. I listen to your words but while I do, I try and think of reasons why our experiences would differ.

This is another typical glorification statement. You should register at www.grasscity.com and join the celebration there. That was what I did when I was an addict.

Ultimately, I think anyone who is interested in pot can read all our experiences and make the decision themselves, right? After all, we cannot force anyone to do anything. If people want to smoke pot, I'd prefer they hear the best way possible and do it with the utmost responsibility. Have fun with it for a bit but learn what its doing. Kids WILL smoke pot and the truth is, there is no proof is kills brain cells, in fact, I can paste a link here stating that it may actually promote neuron growth. These studies, I dont like studies too much. They are open. Postive, negative, for pot, against pot, etc.

Everyone's experience will differ but I am questioning, now, as to why.

I'd love to see the hilarious report indicating that pot promotes neuron growth. This survey is definetly made by pot heads...


Again, people can choose to believe me or not. But don't dare saying I have no empathy with pot smokers, otherwise I wouldn't discuss in this thread and certainly not advertise against pot smoking.
There is a reason why pot is illegal in almost every country. If it didn't do any harm it would be legal and would probably be sold OTC in tobacco shops. The fact is: pot is illegal and is so for a reason.

People may be offended with the direct nature of my posts, well so be it. I have given my warning and it is up to people to take it or ignore it. It's your lives and you may choose to save it or ruin it.


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30 Nov 2006, 1:15 pm

Revenant wrote:
Pot smoking is the complete and most effective chemical castration there is.

Once past the blood-brain barrier, pot chemicals take over the nervous terminals if they are empty. Since pot stimulates gene-expression, the terminals will empty fast. Once trapped in the nervous terminals, the pot chemicals are stuck forever because the blood-brain barrier cannot dilate enough to let the over-sized chemicals seep out and into the bloodstream to be excreted through urine or sweated out.
When your neurotransmitters are burned down, you will feel like a zombie just like I do every day. I made the mistake of making pot a habit... I will regret that for the rest of my life.

Liver enzyme P450 is essential for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and hormones. Pot destroys P450, and whitout any neurotransmitters, the testes or pituitary cannot produce testosterone. You will experience watery(prostate fluid) ejaculation until your testicular function is shut down forever. Then, you are impotent forever(like me).

One of the most frustrating disorders caused by pot smoking is the N-methyl transferase gene expression disorder.
It causes high amounts of your dopamine to be converted to epinephrine or nor-epinephrine which are stress hormones. You will then experience frequent panic attacks.

So when you still have some life left, stop the self-destructive practise.

I personally would never recommend to anybody to start smoking pot if he or she doesn't do it already. However, some of the biological statements you are making make sense, and others don't.

I'm not really understanding the link between the increase in gene expression and the emptying of neurotransmitters in brain neurons. What genes is pot activating transcription of? Or are you suggesting that somehow pot reduces production of neurotransmitters in the first place? Yes there are drugs that will act as agonists/antagonists for specific neuronal receptor types, and there are drugs that will alter neurotransmitter vesicular transport (critical for relaying neurotransmitters from one cell to the adjacent cell), but I do not know if pot specifically has any of these functions. You are suggesting that it does, but I'm not aware of the experiments conducted to demonstrate these functions.

As for the arguments about the blood-brain barrier, it's reasonable to question how the active ingredient (whether it be THC or derivative or whatever) gets past the barrier and yet is unable to get past it again to exit the brain. But it could be possible that one or another chemical in pot acts as a carrier for the active ingredient. However, this is total conjecture on my part and I couldn't back it up with anything. It's an interesting possibility though.

Cytochrome P450 is a major detoxifying agent in the liver (as taught in my pesticide toxicology class), and if there was a natural way to break down THC metabolically, I'd put my bet on P450. However, I am not aware of its role in synthesizing neurotransmitters and hormones. It does not make sense to synthesize neurotransmitters in the liver and then transport them to neurons, especially when most of the time they just sit in vesicles in the neurons and then get exocytosed, then bind to receptors or ion channels of the adjacent neuron. A lot of neurotransmitters get re-uptaken by the cell that released them, since the synapse has to be cleared in a very short amount of time... otherwise essentially the neuronal signal is in an "on" state for an abnormal amount of time.

The N-methyl transferase comment is interesting, but again it relies on an analysis of transcriptional regulation of this gene in the presence or absence of pot treatment (saying it's THC is probably not sufficient, considering that when somebody smokes pot, THC is not the only chemical the person is exposed to). You're right that epinephrine (aka adrenaline) and norepinephrine are stress compounds, and the release of these chemicals in the body results in the fight-or-flight response. That's basic pharmacology. The fight-or-flight response itself can lead to a whole host of different biological effects (the cold, clammy hands being just one of many such symptoms), so a panic attack would not be surprising at all. I could definitely imagine that having sustained epinephrine/norepinephrine levels would be very deleterious to the body, but at present I have no knowledge of what organ is responsible for the synthesis and breakdown of dopamine, and in what amounts... and this knowledge is required to understand how much of it is methylated at any given time. Honestly, I didn't even check the chemical structures to make sure that the only difference between dopamine and epi/norepi is a CH3.

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30 Nov 2006, 1:45 pm

You asked, here it is, laugh away:

You talk about it destroying your life, maybe its just your life? You are trying to paint everyone with the same brush, dont you hate when others do that to you? We're all aspie/autie here, I've imagined none of us like it based on posts.

Alzheimers? Its a brain DECAYING disease, meaning things like memory loss. Marijuana may stall it? Doesnt that contradict everything you stated about it destroying the brain? Here is a disease that actually DOES wreck the brain and studies are finding pot may help prevent it.

The fact it MIGHT (might, may, possibility) prevent it completely contradicts marijuana destroying the brain. Maybe in super heavy doses? Everything in moderation, regardless. Alzheimers decays the brain, pot apparently stalls it

Just read some of these reports. Marijuana may not have been why you felt low or burned out - I dont feel burned out, only at the end of the day and that can be attributed to many things, such as work or being up early in the morning.

As well, I do not have an addiction unless you want to say I am addicted to peanut butter, reading on the toilet, or how I require to watch t.v., preferably, while I eat dinner

30 Nov 2006, 6:14 pm

Good luck frying out your brain. I heard weed destorys your brain and your memory. It can keep you from getting a job and being able to take care of yoursel so you'll always need assistance. I learned it in health when I was 15. Our teacher told us about a guy in his 50's living with his parents still because he is unable to take care of himself and hold down a job because he fried his mind out from doing weed when he was young. That's how my ex boyfriend acts like.

Last edited by likedcalico on 01 Dec 2006, 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.


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30 Nov 2006, 6:30 pm

Pot can cause respiratory illnesses and psychological disorders in people with a genetic predisposition. You will probably feel good while taking pot, but be wary of the risks. I have chosen to "Say NO to drugs."