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22 Aug 2012, 4:07 am

It always seems that the more and more I come to understand other people, the less and less I like them.

How to spark back up an appreciation for one's fellow man? What's wrong with me?


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22 Aug 2012, 5:22 am

Don't try too hard, you'll go crazy.

-- Logan


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22 Aug 2012, 5:25 am

It's easier to spot unlikable people than it is to spot likable ones. I tend to prefer people like myself (quieter introverts) which are exactly the kinds of people who stay off the radar. Idiotic people tend to make their presence known and and since they're all I seem to see it's easier to generalize and dislike them all. There are some truly nice people out there though, it may just take a bit of looking.

-- Logan


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22 Aug 2012, 7:08 am

The basic thing for me, is that I seem to just not care about most people. Most people bore me. And, this leaves me fairly lonely. I got nobody I can relate to. I've read all kinds of expert advice from people on how to not be timid or how to exude confidence, but that's not my problem. My problem seems to stem from my lack of body language, facial expression, shifty eye contact (Can't stand it), and aversion to being touched, in addition to being bored with every day chit chat and casual talk. It seems the only way to stimulate me is with in-depth conversation or engrossing activities. The normal way people seem to get to know each other and get close is just lost on me. Sometimes I worry I'm some kind of sociopath!


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22 Aug 2012, 8:34 am

Sociopaths are psychotics who feel no emotions so they mimic it. (Short definition, the long one is certainly more complex.)

You're an aspie, you have emotions but they don't fit with social normatives.

You're one of us.

We accept you.

Gooble-Gobble. :smurf:


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22 Aug 2012, 10:19 am

I've never met a person in real-life that I haven't rather strongly disliked. That doesn't mean there isn't good people out there, it just means I haven't met them yet. If not friendship, I can at least find acceptance in this community.

-- Logan

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22 Aug 2012, 6:26 pm

I can completely relate to that feeling of misanthropy. Sometimes I don't even view people as individuals but as a crowd of insects that overexcite my brain. Those days are hard, and I really do feel like a sociopath! What keeps me sane (or I guess what passes for sane) is to surround myself with people who share my interests. They work on the same science things I do, and I know that they possess a basic level of intelligence and competence. I'm not sure whether I can say they're friends or just acquaintances or co-workers, but I find their presence...calming, and it affirms that I really don't hate the human race as a whole. Perhaps whether it is fellow aspies or a chatroom, workplace, what-have-you, you might benefit from some exposure to a small group of people who aren't complete sheeple.

That's just what works for me, though, and I can't guarantee that it will do the trick every time.

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24 Aug 2012, 12:27 pm

Here is a silly song lyric for you (not ABOUT you, since I don't know you--or even about myself, as someone else thought):

I need a hypnotist
to help me forget about the things I've missed
and all the fun that I'll never have.
The future's gonna be just like the present;
won't be great, but it won't be too unpleasant,
and soon I'll be too old and tired to care.

This is the song of the misanthrope.
I'll just sit at home and smoke my dope,
close the curtains and give up hope.
That's how I cope.

I need a hypnotist
to help me find that ignorant bliss
that comes from thinking that I'm never wrong.
I won't get bored safe and smug behind my door.
Don't have a single friend and I don't want any more,
'cause people are nasty and selfish anyway.

(repeat chorus)

Just something silly.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 Aug 2012, 1:12 pm

Do you take any kinds of medications? I use to really dwell on my hatred for people and would get worked up over stuff and was quite a misanthrope but I take prozac for depression and now my attitude is like this: yeah people can suck but let them and just try to enjoy your own life.

Sorry, I know that doesn't help very much.


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25 Aug 2012, 1:46 am

I take no meds, I'm not a fan of them. I always tend to think any mental problems, nobody except me can help with.

Mindsigh wrote:
Here is a silly song lyric for you (not ABOUT you, since I don't know you--or even about myself, as someone else thought)...

Heh, interesting song. Thought-provoking, really, and even a little scary.