I have always been a lonely person, ever since I was old enough to know what social interaction was. When I was a little child in early grade school, I often watched how other children played together and how it came so naturally to them.. I on the other hand, I was a thousand miles away from the social circles. Having an undiagnosed case of Asperger Syndrome (didn't find out till I was 20), I was the class odd-ball. That one kid that just didn't click with the rest of the classroom. Other than growing older and acquiring a few more social skills, nothing much has changed with me. Sure, I might know a little more now about how friendships work, but that is like saying two drops in a bucket are closer to filling it than one. I have often wondered if I would be less lonely as a hermit. There would be nobody around, but at least I wouldn't see groups of people having a good time and accidently remind me of my desolation.