Just a bit bummed today..

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13 Oct 2012, 11:58 am

Sometimes I feel like my husband looks down on me because I don't have a gaggle of girlfriends, and I'm not a social butterfly by a long shot. He brought it up not that long ago in a pretty snarky way. It was a cheap shot but it did hit home a bit. We've been together for over a decade, and he brings this up now?
He goes off and hangs out with his brother or the neighbors, which I have no issue with. I am stuck at home with no car, in a town the size of postage stamp, and two hours away from any family. How the heck am I supposed to be carousing the town? And why?
Not the most dire problem in the world, I admit. It just doesn't seem fair sometimes.


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13 Oct 2012, 12:29 pm

I understand, it hurts when someone makes an issue out of something that doesn't bother me at all, but then they bring it up in such a hurtful way that it does bother me! I am just like, thank you for that, I really was fine until you drug me through the muck about it. :(

I spent a large amount of time in a previous relationship where we lived together, trying to explain to my outgoing and social boyfriend that I was introverted, that social gatherings absolutely drained me, and not to be offended that I would have to retreat to my room when people came over after I hit my limit of being social, and that it wasn't a problem that I didn't have friends over, because seeing people at work/school was about as much as I could stand anyone. I went so far as to print out an article from Psychology Today about the needs and styles of introverts and practically read it to him so he would understand that it wasn't something he could change about me. (this was also prior to my asperger's diagnosis so I truly thought it was purely introversion).

Sometimes they just don't understand, no matter how much explaining you do. Try not to be too hard on yourself about it, it is better to be true to you than to fake it to please everyone.

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