Sweetleaf wrote:
Oh good I wasn't hearing things, my mom and her boyfriend have actually been arguing since the early hours of the morning. See just more reason to move out. But yeah if I go to my aunts house there might still be some drama but not nearly as much and she has a rather large place with like 5 rooms she gets for like the price of an apartment so she uses like two rooms and then theres like 3 and a bathroom downstairs so it would be big enough.
hmmm or I keep waiting it out at my moms house till the 18th go to the psych ward and then move out......either way I can't bloody stay here much longer just have to make an actual plan before I up and do it.
I don't think you should wait.
If you'd return from your ward and come back home then you'd be immediately stressed again, because you'll have to go there to get your things.
You can go from home and you won't be alone, but with your aunt. I hope you like her.
And it seems she understands you because she agreed.
Just be careful when you move from there that you're not moving somewhere alone.