piroflip wrote:
The notion of an all powerful god is utterly absurd.
I can't for the life of me understand how ANYBODY in the year 2012 can believe one single word of the silly nonsense.
I can't for the life of me understand how people believe a stone tablet says we're all going to die on December 21st.
My parents beat this religious s**t into me, okay? I try to ignore it or dismiss it, something inside me won't allow that. For someone like me, there has to be rhyme and reason, even if the rhyme and reason is incredibly f*****g deranged.
redrobin62 wrote:
<--- Also believes in leprechauns, the Loch Ness monster, fairy tales, the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
You forgot Bigfoot, Dumkopf! Do you believe in Bigfoot?
I'm so sorry that my crisis of faith has inconvenienced you so badly, that you had to take time out of your busy day to say something insulting. Next time a cherished companion dies in a freak accident, I'll just go away and die quietly somewhere so that you don't have to be bothered to notice that people have different beliefs than you.