So I went to a friend's party last night, and I met a lot of new people. I drank some and smoked some pot, and I just talked and talked and talked. I wasn't remembering what I said a few moments after I said it, I was just talking a lot. In retrospect there were some weird looks, and people saying things like, "woah", or "that's crazy" or "that's intense".
Anyway, I went home at the end of it with an unshakable feeling that I overshared/said a lot of things that I shouldn't have, and that I was seen as a weirdo. It might not even be true, but I sensed a lot of judgment in the air in general, and I don't feel like I connected with anyone there.
The people there were also talking about a lot of shallow/superficial things. People were making fun and doing impressions of the homeless schizophrenic guy who hangs out on the street near their apartment. The conversations were so boring. Everyone was talking about people and fashion. I found the whole affair depressing.
I know I probably won't hang out with them again. I just have this gloomy sort of feeling that I can't seem to shake today. Anything would be appreciated. Commiseration, pictures of kittens... reassurances in the goodness of humanity...