Does anyone have sensory issues?

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23 Oct 2012, 10:35 pm

Does anyone have sensory issues? I had one today in public and was soooo embaresed.

Sea Gull
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23 Oct 2012, 11:13 pm

lovetoread wrote:
Does anyone have sensory issues? I had one today in public and was soooo embaresed.

Affirmative. Sensory issues are the main reason as to why I eat alone and am almost wholly incapable of eating out.


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24 Oct 2012, 12:36 am

yes, I do too... Sounds can be awful - lights are blinding ( I wear sunglasses inside LOTS, and my regular glasses are tinted pink).. don't get me started on textures....

Anymore, I try not to care.. because the people that care so much I have issues are the very ones I should NOT be caring about!

Keep your chin up.. I know it is hard sometimes... but it means we are super strong people to live the way we live and survive each day :)


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24 Oct 2012, 10:27 am

Thanks, that really helped.


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24 Oct 2012, 4:17 pm

I have some audible hearing issues. I can't stand listening to loud music and drilling noises and I am not a fan of pyrotechnics and could never work in construction. The irony is I like going to pubs and bars.
I am noticing a degree of sensitivity to bright lights. I think this might be natural for many non aspies though.

Snowy Owl
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24 Oct 2012, 5:51 pm

I have trouble with loud noises, although I can deal with music as long as the lyrics aren't being screamed at me. In fact, I like clubs if they have R&B, Pop, Jazz or something mellow.

I can't deal with flashing lights, and I wear sunglasses a lot. Some of that is due to an issue with my corneas though, because I ended up with my contacts stuck to them twice, and they got torn badly enough that they never healed properly. Flashing lights cause me to stem, and eventually I will get a headache.

If I am sick, I have trouble with touch. I don't like being held anyway, and I can't sleep with another person anymore, but it's much worse when I am not feeling well because my skin feels like it's burning without their being a fever. Occasionally, it happens when I am not sick too.

Emu Egg
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27 Oct 2012, 6:36 pm

sometime I find it difficult to hear what people are saying to me. because of this for a year in school my nickname was "What", I just learned to read lips helped me allot


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27 Oct 2012, 8:24 pm

Yeah majorly. Light, sound, touch, texture, smell, can't handle too much going on around me. Even bathing can be an ordeal for me because of the sensory issues involved therein.

I think my sensory issues are quite severe, I have met other autistic people who have a much lower level of sensitivity than I do, but of course it varies greatly across the whole spectrum.

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