Don't feel like I want anything from life

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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31 Oct 2012, 1:21 pm

I've been feeling this way for a while now and don't know how to 'get over it'. I would be happy to die right now, life just feels completely empty and dull. I see my peers settling down and having families, moving up with their careers, buying houses, going on holidays, etc, etc and none of that appeals to me. I have no hopes for the future, nothing I want to achieve. I spend day after day trying to come up with plans, things I might want to do but nothing comes to mind. Has anyone got any words of wisdom. I'm due to see a shrink next week, so that might help me I don't know.


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31 Oct 2012, 1:54 pm

Don't think so much, just do.

Try some difficult jobs.


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31 Oct 2012, 2:39 pm

I would congratulate you on having achieved the Buddhist goal of liberation from desire, but it sounds more like depression to me.


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31 Oct 2012, 3:09 pm

Yeah that is similar to how I feel...except I don't really know anyone who's settling down, most people I know aside from family are a bit odd themselves so yeah its not like the people I spend time with are settling down in that sense. But I have the feeling of emptiness, and lack of any real goals or what I want in life. I actually hate when people ask me what I want to do and such like because I have no idea so its hard to come up with an answer.

It is certainly a difficult place to be...but yeah not sure about you but its the feeling of emptiness that really pisses me off. I mean what good is existing if you constantly have any enjoyment of life you might have ruined by constantly feeling empty. I hope talking to the therapist helps, but I know sometimes it doesn't since thus far I haven't gotten anywhere with it but maybe you'll have better luck.

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31 Oct 2012, 5:32 pm

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. -Albert Einstein

NTs seem to be able to accept the vacuous and be happy. I think it is all a mirage but then again, I am not NT. NT commercials have no appeal to me. NT values are ludicrous and NT goals are of no intrest to me at all.

I find that title means nothing to me if I produce nothing of value. I find that if I produce something of value then I am happy and require no title.

This is counter intuitive. Then again, I am counter intuitive as I am on the spectrum.

Of value means of value to someone else. Not me. I find that I can move mountains for my wife, but I could care less about doing something for myself (unless it is of value to her).

Before you go to the pharmacy, I recommend the following and in order:
1. Excercise. Running gives me solitude and makes me feel better and more confident in everything I do.
2. Help someone. Do it for free. Don't hide it but don't tell anyone either.

Unless you have a serious medical condition, I'll bet these two things help you out. They did for me and allowed me to build myself into a good husband type. That is when I was able to meet my wife and now I can move mountains.